Collada plugin for
After Effects

More info here


Truespace to Unreal Engine

Export a scene from Truespace to Unreal Engine using FBX mesh and T3D map files.

Houdini TD notes on youtube

Notes/Tutorial for completing the 3dBuzz Houdini TD Course in Houdini v13. The original tutorials are for v9.

Blender Fluids for Lightwave

Blender Fluids for Lightwave 11.6 using the Blender Fluids importer and Collada fixer scripts

Blender Fluids for Lightwave 2

Particle based Blender Fluids for Lightwave 11.6 using a modified MDD script

UDK Ambient Creature Notes

Mastering Unreal Script - Chapter 06 Functions - Ambient Creature Tutorial for UDK

UDK Turret Notes

Mastering Unreal Script - Chapter 11 Script States - Turret Tutorial for UDK

3D Buzz video training modules

3D Buzz gameSpace and trueSpace 6 tutorials

How to use the Lightwave plugins for Unreal

WIP - rough notes only at this time

Unreal grid for truespace

WIP - setup truespace grid to match unreal grid spacing

UDK HealthSphere

3DBuzz UT2k4 HealthSphere tutorial for UDK notes

Caligari trueSpace Tutorials

Caligari tutorials

trueSpace Rigging Tutorials

Rigging tutorials on YouTube presented by Igor K Handel

UDK trueSpace Vehicle

process to get a rigged vehicle into the UDK game engine

Truespace Widgets

making custom widgets for Truespace ( old tutorial and script )