Collada plugin for
After Effects

More info here

Completed Projects

Best viewed with Internet Explorer 9 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. Javascript must be enabled to see the videos.

The video controls for Internet Explorer are hidden until mousing over the image.

3DBuzz Houdini Rigging course.

Youtube tutorials for using Rigging lessons with Houdini 14 - coming soon

3DBuzz Houdini FastTrack course.

Audio credits -

  • Applause - kyster
  • Spotlight - reidmangan
  • Bounce - plingativator
  • Crowd cheers - gauraa

Youtube tutorials for using FastTrack lessons with Houdini 13

3DBuzz Blender 101 course.
3DBuzz Maya Fundamentals course applied to Lightwave.
3DBuzz 3DSMax Fundamentals course applied to GMax.
Sun/Shade Study for a Golf Green shows the actual path of the sun over the course of a year.
Right Click here to download a 320x240 video(4Mb)
right click here to download a 640x480 video(10Mb)

The path of the sun was animated using Lightwave's SunSky plugin. The motions were placed on 12 lights, one for each month, and they were exported in Collada format. The file was imported to trueSpace and rendered using custom scripts to switch between the months and display the time information.

3DBuzz Maya Fundamentals
3DBuzz Maya Fundamentals course.
3DBuzz modeling on the fly - for 3DSMax but modeled in trueSpace
Marigold from One Piece

wip page

August 31 2009