Custom Widgets
Custom object and point edit widgets, widget manager scripts and a video
tutorial for creating custom widgets.
Custom Object Navigation:
Scalable Default
CR Custom
First Custom
Custom Large(not scalable)
Custom Small
Click the pictures above to download an object navigation widget.
I have also converted widgets by Stan and Parva for use with this system
and they will be made available in the
Loading the widgets:
navigate up to system level using the orange triangle in the link editor
navigate into widgets and open the Select node
copy the widget objects in to the Select node
load the objectNavWidgetControl into the scene and choose a new widget
click this line for a video
showing this process wmv about 5 megs and 5 minutes
click picture to download the object widget control
The "objectNavWidgetControl" script makes it easy to choose between
widgets and it can be used to scale custom widgets up in size. The
scale function will have no effect when the default object navigation
widget is chosen. The script switches between widgets by changing
their activation strength. The "CR Default object navigation
widget" can be used as a template to create other custom widgets since
it's elements can be extracted and edited like any other mesh.
Custom PE Navigation:
Scalable default(PE)
CR Custom(PE)
Click the pictures above to download PE Widgets
These widgets are identical to the object widgets except that they come
into play when in point edit mode and they are loaded into the Edit node
instead of the Select node.
navigate up to system level using the orange triangle in the link editor
navigate into widgets and open the Edit node
copy the widget objects in to the edit node
load the pointEditWidgetControl into the scene and choose a new widget
click image to download the script
The point edit script works the same as the object nav script except that
you have to exit PE mode and reenter PE mode to see the newly chosen widget.
Create your own widgets:
WMV format videos showing the process of creating a custom widget.
Workspace Setup - 3.44mb,
3:31 - setup libraries to receive the custom meshes
Extract elements from the
default widget - 6.75mb, 5:08 - extract the meshes and transforms
from the default widget
Extract elements pt2
- < 1mb, 0:43 - one more element to extract
Convert elements to
editable form - 8.46mb, 8:26 - replace euler transforms and expandit
nodes with basic transforms
Create a new widget from the
converted elements - 10.2mb, 8:18 - create a custom widget from the
modified elements
Customize the colors and show
the activation node - 6mb, 4:34 - show manual process of switching
Create widget with modeling
changes - 18.3mb, 10:13 - create the "CR Custom" widget with minimal
Final Result and Comments - 5mb,
3:41 - show the final widget, comment on it's design flaw, notes on mesh
orientation for custom widgets