Unreal Engine 4
Use the Unreal Import/Export T3D script and FBX to
transfer a scene from Truespace to the Unreal Engine.
Unreal Engine 4.13 T3D import crash and no T3D import option in menus
Access the T3D file import
- File > Import Into Level...
- type *.* in the File name field
- press the enter key
- now all files are visible and you can choose a T3D file
Edit the T3D file to prevent crashes on import
- UE4 T3D, look for an actor at the end of the file just before End Level that seems to refer to the map and remove those lines
from UE4.13 Minimal_Default map
Begin Actor Class=Minimal_Default_C Name=Minimal_Default_C_0 Archetype=Minimal_Default_C'/Game/StarterContent/Minimal_Default.Default__Minimal_Default_C'
Begin Object Class=SceneComponent Name="DefaultSceneRoot"
End Object
Begin Object Name="DefaultSceneRoot"
End Object
End Actor
from UE4.6 Minimal_Default map
Begin Actor Class=Minimal_Default_C Name=Minimal_Default_C_2 Archetype=Minimal_Default_C'/Game/StarterContent/Maps/Minimal_Default.Default__Minimal_Default_C'
End Actor
UE3 T3D, remove all lines that have the pattern of xxx=BrushComponent'yyy'
- open the T3D file in Notepad++ or another text editor that supports regular expressions - https://notepad-plus-plus.org/
- Search > Replace...
- set the Search Mode to Regular expression
- type into the Find what field without the quotes "^\s*\w*\(*\w*\)*=BrushComponent'.*'.*\R"
- make the Replace with field blank
- press the Replace All button and save the result to a new T3D file
- Now the T3D file will probably not cause a crash
- for a detailed explanation of the regular expression used, you can go to https://regex101.com/
When exporting a whole level from UE4 select everything except the first item in the World Outliner and use the export selected option. This will keep the bad "level" Actor from exporting and crashing on import.
UE2 and UE1 files don't seem to cause a crash.
Scripts and plugins used(todo links directly to page and
- unreal psk/psa/t3d script
- fbx import/export
- layers
- joint orientation helper works to help orient one joint at a time
or zero all joints
- freeze transforms
- refresh bitmaps useful for moving scene files between
- fk controls to select the root joint for animation
- texture file report to make sure bitmaps files exist
in the filesystem and can be imported by unrealed
Rules for creating the scene:
- renaming a joint breaks animation in truespace
- the names should be meaningful and have no
- all objects must be at the scene level, not grouped
- landscape objects can only be created from square
one sided plane
- materials need to be non-compiled d3d materials similar to
the BlankDXMaterial's node structure
- do not use scene or object instanced materials
- give all the materials unique names or they will
overwrite each other when imported to Unreal
- give all texture files unique names or they will
overwrite each other
- Optional: place all texture files in the same folder
that will be used to export fbx files from truespace.
- all textures must be size power of 2
- maximum texture size 4096x4096
- texture file types -
pcx, jpg, jpeg and
png (and dds and hdr ?)
- choose a naming convention for the texture files,
the "xxx" might be the mesh name if it's the only
texture for the mesh:
- T_xxx_D = diffuse
- T_xxx_N = normalmap
- T_xxx_S = specularmap - new materials in UE4,
how handle? maybe ok fbx format read may adjust
- only animate truespace actors with skeleton controls
and joints
- full character node motion is not exported by the fbx
- the fbx
plugin exports the skeleton and the mesh as seperate
items and joins them via skinning
- any animation on the
character as a whole is ignored and only joint animation
- the skeleton root is the invisible joint used to
move and animate a truespace actor as a whole unit
- the truespace actor can be locked by expanding the
matrix input - so only skeleton root can move the whole
- do not have animation keys on the whole truespace
actor and
the root joint at the same time
- only animate the whole actor if the animation is
like static mesh animations (no joint motion)
- limbs must be unencapsulated before fbx default mode
- y rotations that go less than -90 or greater than +90 can result in flipping
- when creating a skeleton use the shape skeleton tool to place the first 2 joints
into position after the skeleton root position and
rotation is set
- tS practical limits are about 100x100x100 meters - slightly
bigger than the Apollo 11 level
- ue4 units are in cm, ut3 default is 1uu = 2 cm
- for csg geometry boolean, only subtract a simple
mesh from an existing boolean object or another mesh
- do not subtract an existing boolean object from
anything else
- Landscape:
- square single sided plane
- size in meters should match the width and height
segments, so 15x15 segments would be 15x15 meters
- width and height segments
- 7x7
- 15x15
- 31x31
- 63x63 - may be the upper limit here
- 127x127
- 255x255
- result will be landscape with 1 section and 1
Items that will transfer from Truespace to Unreal:
- CSG Add Geometry - any mesh that does not have a
static or skeletal or terrain tag
- simple Subtraction CSG - only subtract a mesh from
another mesh or a boolean object
- Static or InterpActor meshes - meshes and animated
- Skeletal or CinematicSkeletal meshes - skeletal and
animated skeletal meshes
- Landscape/Terrain - square planes
- Materials and Textures
- Camera and limited animated cameras
- Lights and limited animated point and spot lights
- Object transform animation
- Skeleton joint animation
- particle system standin - like static and skeletal
meshes the particle system must already exist in ue4
Skeletal Mesh Notes:
- uv map the mesh before skinning to the skeleton
- freeze mesh transforms with front of the mesh facing in the
+X direction
- triangulate the mesh before export - best practice
- vehicle tires will rotate on their Y axis (true for udk
not sure about ue4)
- create a skeleton
- joint spread = 180 in yaw and
roll, 90 in pitch
- create a 2 joint skeleton
- inside the Skeleton node reset the Skeleton root nodes Root
transform connector
- reset the Matrix connector of the Skeleton node
- move the whole skeleton to set the location
of the invisible root joint
- use the shape skeleton tool to position the 2 joints
- build the rest of the skeleton and set joint limits as
- use the joint orientation helper to set the rotation of
a joint - helper can be scaled - or maybe don't use it
except for things animated procedurally in
- use ts unofficial update vertex snap for precision
placement of joints if needed
- do not animate(move) the whole character unless exporting to
matinee mode
- do not animate(move) the whole character and the skeleton root
at the same time - unpredictable
- expand the matrix connector of the truespace actor to
lock the whole body movement
- animate the skeleton root with ik/fk controls or direct
selection - see the character fk controls script
- be sure to remove any animclip nodes and animtrack
connectors from the skeleton - so all animclips are inside
the actor instead of the skeleton.
- there is a process from the doom3 scripts to transfer
animated skeleton to an actor which will place the
animclips inside
the actor.
- unencapsulate Limbs before exporting via fbx
- the info panel cannot be trusted - seems to show
bounding box center of actor instead of matrix values
- set a keyframe to lock in the default pose at frame -10
there is a problem with default pose if joint orientations don't
have z pointing to the next joint
Animation Notes(needs work):
- place different animations on different tracks with each
track holding only one clip
- first clip for tS actors named "DefaultPose" with key
at -10
- can rename the clips which will rename the animclip nodes
but will have no effect on import to ue4
- disable all clips except one for fbx export. ok to keep
the default pose key
- only disable clips when in default pose (frame is -10)
- theory - x best axis for hinge rotation and f-curve
manipulations - no fcurve has problems, stick with z axis
and dont use fcurve unless x and y rotations are zero
Prepare for export to Unreal:
- create a folder to gather all the assets - texture
files, mesh files...
- new scene
- set animation frame rate to 30 fps
- add layers to control visibility for export
- csg
- skeletal mesh prototype
- static mesh prototype
- landscape
- skeletal meshes
- static meshes
- static mesh collisions
- model to scale - truespace actors are a little small but useable
- unique material names and use BlankDXMaterial style
- name the joints for skeletal meshes, also rename the
Skeleton root, no spaces for max compatibility
- store textures in the fbx export folder for truespace
- use the boolean tools keep history option when
creating csg subtraction geometry
- name all the materials for the prototype static and
skeletal meshes
- unencapsulate limbs inside the skeleton
- create collision meshes for the static mesh
- uv map for textures and lightmaps for static meshes
- uv1=for material application
- uv2=for lightmaps lightmap non-overlapping
- uv3 - there is a technique to add a 3rd uv map -
see fbx notes
- tag the skeletal and static mesh prototypes and any
- give the prototypes the same name as their tags so
the t3d matches the fbx exports
- SK_xxx for skeletal meshes
- SM_xxx for static meshes
- UCX_SM_xxx for the static mesh collisions
- copy the prototypes to create the scene instances
and rename if desired
- to use pre-existing skeletal meshes use the group to
make the path match. for example set group to
Character on a skeletal mesh named
HeroTPP to end up with a full
name of "/Game/Character/HeroTPP.HeroTPP".
The exported path always starts with "/Game/", the group
name is appended and the mesh name is appended after
- preexisting static meshes don't seem to need the
path to match up
- expand the matrix of the actor instances to prevent
animation of the whole actor
- set the pivot of landscapes to the most negative X
and Y vertex and flatten the axis
- freeze the static mesh and collision matrices
- freeze skeletal mesh before skinning
Unreal Batch Export:
- simplifies the export of multiple objects, only
visible items eligible for export
- the fbx modes control fbx export behavior and
restricts object selections
- best use is exporting all the prototype meshes and
all the animations on each skeletal mesh
- matinee may be better as a manual process to produce
one file for the entire scene
- note that the matinee export modes may not be in
fact useful modes for batch exporting
- exports in binary format fbx 2015
- Static Mesh - selects the meshes that have the
Static Mesh tag name === object name, the static mesh
prototypes. each file comes from the mesh name. no
animation is exported. uses the fbx plugin udkstaticmesh
mode so items are the correct orientation during import
to Unreal
- Skeletal Mesh - selects the meshes that have the
Skeletal Mesh tag name === object name, the skeletal
mesh prototypes. each file comes from the mesh name. no
animation si exported. uses the fbx plugin default mode
- Skeletal Mesh Animation - selects
the meshes that have the
Skeletal Mesh tag name that have animations. the file
name is the form meshname_animationClipName.fbx
. only active clips will export.
- Static Mesh Matinee - - selects
the meshes that have the
Static Mesh tag name that have animations. the file
name is the form meshname_animationClipName.fbx
. only active clips will export. uses the udkmatinee
mode export so items will work with the non-standard fbx
format used in matinee
- Skeletal Mesh Matinee -- selects
the meshes that have the Skeletal Mesh tag name that have animations. the file
name is the form meshname_animationClipName.fbx
. only active clips will export. uses the udkmatinee
mode export so items will work with the non-standard fbx
format used in matinee. This mode exports the mesh as if
it were a single null item.
Export to Unreal file formats:
- Actors:
- make skeletal mesh prototypes visible, hide
everything else
- triangulate the mesh
- fbx export
- export scale 100
- export mode default
- no animation
- set the file name to be the same as the
prototype and tag
- can use batch exporting, name will come from the
- DefaultPose clip active
- export each clip one at a time
- export animations one at a time by setting the
clips enable/disable - export will be slow
- DefaultPose clip will not export
- fbx anim is shifted to start at zero when clip does
- Static meshes:
- make static mesh prototypes and their collision
meshes visible, hide all others
- triangulate the meshes
- fbx export
- export scale 100
- no animation
- export mode udkstaticmesh or use default with
import rotations of -90 0 and 180 in ue4
- select and export each static mesh along with
it's collision mesh
- batch export will not work with combination
static mesh and their collisions, end up in
different files
- Animated Static meshes
- make all visible except prototypes and
collisions (include collisions??)
- export whole scene
- export mode udkmatinee
- single clip
- animation
- Map
- make all visible except prototypes and
- unreal t3d export
- time frame 0
- scale 100
Import to Unreal Editor:
Import the static and skeletal meshes and create any
particle systems then import the t3d
- import skeleton mesh to unreal
- import mesh
- import skeleton
- import materials
- import textures
- import normals
- create physics asset - maybe better to do phys
assets manually
- override full name - so uses the file name
- rotation -90 roll, 180 yaw
- import static mesh
- all settings same as skeletal mesh
- if exported as udkstaticmesh mode no rotations
needed on import
- import t3d
- into a blank map after skeletal and
static mesh prototypes have been imported
- fix uv on any csg geometry
- if landscape imported
- select it
- landscape > manage > change component size >
apply without any changes
- animated static mesh import fbx animation
- select the animated item in the scene - no need
to select it, animation is already tied to the scene
- add matinee and open it
- import corresponding fbx file
- docs say only 1 movement track per group(object)
- import skeletal mesh animation
- ue4 content browser select mesh and open it's
- switch to animation editor mode
- import fbx animation
- name will come from the
fbx file name, rename if desired
- do not import mesh
- select the skeletal mesh in the level
- go to matinee
- select the skeletal mesh in the level
- add new skeletal group
- zero out location and rotation in the
Movement track
- press enter to create a keyframe in the Anim
track, select the skeletal animation
That's all.
matinee fbx import matches via the mesh name in the
Truespace FPN is 1.8 meters tall which is close to the
ue4 size. TS FPN can be customized to match precisely.