After Effects
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Replaces the Material Editor with one that combines the Unofficial Updates version with the Original Material editor and the obsolete D3D Editor Enhanced.
persistent base install v3 required
Also required: install the Material Utilities, Material Converter and Materials List found below.
From the obsolete D3D Material Editor
One way to build custom materials is to open the DX9 library and load the BlankDXMaterial, then use the one or more of the Shaders to replace the basic shaders of the BlankDXmaterial. For example replace the SolidColorShader with a TextureShader from the Color Shaders library. Advanced users could then use the default library buttons to access lower level material nodes.
The Converter and Materials List buttons will use the Unofficial Update versions of the scripts if the versions on this website are not installed.
Plugin and scripts for working with D3D materials. Displays a list of materials with controls for naming and editing the material and selecting the objects that use the material.
The popup toolbars includes 2 material toolbars for dx components and shaders. These toolbars make it much easier to work with the dx shaders.
Clintons3dPluginExt is required
Rsx plugin and node for loading tif format image files. Copy the rsx and the 2 dll files together and install the rsx plugin file.
Drag the rsobj into the link editor to use it.
tif image sequence loader node can be used with the compositing nodes
The rsx plugin has script support for saving 32bit png files and float exr files.
See the techniques page for plugin details
Altered version limited to a single instance is included in the Unofficial Updates in the "Components - Compositing" library
There is some mystery about colors, so a Reorder Colors control is used to fix bad colors
Will read compression types of None, RLE, ZIP, ZIPS and PIZ
exr image sequence loader node can be used with the compositing nodes
If a mesh has multiple materials applied to it and the Separate Selection tool is used all the materials are copied which can result in orphan material nodes and connections. The orphans could cause a problem with some exporters. Drag this node into the link editor and run it to remove all the orphans in a scene.
Updated version (Oct 2021) included in the Unofficial Updates in the Material Editor "Convert D3D Materials"
Nov 4 2021, just discovered this tool is unreliable when used with scene instanced materials. Only use with instanced materials of "None".
List bitmap data from the selected node.
Gives a list of all textures used in a scene. Red indicates some error with the texture file or that the bitmap file doesn't exist in the file system. Drag the node into the link editor and press start to generate a report. Useful when exporting to other applications.
Gives a list of all textures used in a scene. Red indicates some error with the texture file or that the bitmap file doesn't exist in the file system. Can fix purely embedded bitmaps so they reference image files on the local machine. Drag the node into the link editor and drag out of the Stack View. Useful when exporting to other applications.
Red indicates image files that don't exist on the local machine or the bitmap does no refer to any texture file
Gray indicates good bitmap image state
Create Texture Files will recreate the bitmap texture files localy and assign those files to the material bitmaps. Lines with good state will not be altered or copied.
gltf export - already has some texture reference fixes but not complete
Script for reloading or replacing file textures in a scene or selected node.
Collection of workspace materials, shaders and nodes.
Script for converting workspace materials to different instancing types (None, Object and Scene), convert compiled to open D3D materials, convert D3D materials to Yafaray and Indigo materials.
Installs a button for protecting the workspace materials.
Left click the button to backup the materials
Right click the button to restore the materials.
This object's material will respond to the light's position and display either a day or night side texture as you spin it around. It also uses a specular map so the ocean has a highlight and the land masses don't and it has a simulated atmosphere glow using a constant shader. It's a recreation of one of the 3DBuzz Maya Fundamentals video lessons. Use this object with the real time workspace view. It works best with only one light in the scene or all the lights at the same location.
Textures used are from ARC Science and Face of the Earth (