Clintons3dPlugin.rsx plugin v.1638450 is required.
Tiff scripts and rsx plugin can be used to load tif format files
Click this line for an overview of the nodes.
Some video tutorials can be found by clicking this line.
The rsx file can be stored anywhere on your computer and the
composite node library can be stored in the truespace rs main libraries
folder for convenience
- For the Unofficial Updates replace the Clintons3dPlugin.dll and change the downloaded rsx extension to dll
All image calculations are performed in floating point so whiter
than white and blacker than black values are preserved. All
input images must have the same dimensions. None of the nodes
are optimized for speed but written with coding simplicity in mind.
you tube here
Dec 29 2023
- updated rsx plugin to v1638450
- procedural textures - added 3D offset and scale
- removed non-functional radius input for the convolve node
- info node has more info
- solid color image has decimal value inputs which allow for hdr values
Dec 11, 2021
- fix half colored bug in cloud node with color option
April 5, 2020
- updated Bump2Normal node with better math and new strength control
April 30, 2019
- All nodes modified to use faster method - about 4 times faster than the original very slow versions
- The mask portions of all nodes still uses the slower technique for image manipulation
- New Image Resample node for creating larger or smaller versions of an image
- Undocumented and updated Color Curves script uses workspace curves instead of animation curves
- uses plugin version v.1638413
June 21, 2018
- flipped the horizontal orientation for the procedural textures
- plugin version v.1638412
May 22, 2018
- new procedural textures wood, voronoi, marble,cloud
- replaced procedural image with perlin image node
- updated color picker
- rsx plugin version v.1638411
May 29 2016: Update
- new perlin noise node
- new interlace node
- color picker works with web based colorpicker
- some nodes now 5 times faster
- plugin version v.1638406
May 6 2010: Update
- bug fix for color curve nodes
color picker outputs colors in float form - not just 0 to
- added more color picker aspects
"color 2 numbers" node for converting a color
to float values
replace "Image Shrink" with "Image Shrink
or Zoom", use checkbox to zoom into the image and inputs
to offset the upper left edge of the zoom
- encapsulated some nodes so their parameters can be animated
- alpha outputs limited to a range of 0 to 1
- fixed alpha bug in the image blur node
changed "chroma key" to "color distance key"
and normalized the output values
- fixed mask input of the gamma node
- added a bitmap input option for the mix node
- new small aspect so nodes fit into a smaller space
May 16 2010: Update