Collada plugin for After Effects

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Plugins and Scripts > trueSpace > Import/Export

Doom3 Import Export for trueSpace7.61

Installs a button to open the import/exporter in the panel view. Truespace7.61 script for loading and saving idtech4 md5mesh and md5anim, mesh and animation files.

click the picture for a video(wmv,380Kb, 1sec)
t3d import panel


  • press the "..." button to choose a md5mesh file then press the Load Mesh button to load it into the scene. The resulting actor will be given the file name and a bind pose frame will be set at frame -10.
  • select a skeletal mesh in the scene then press the "..." button to choose an md5anim file and press the Load Animation button to load the animation onto the mesh. A new animation track and clip will be created and named from the file name.
export doom3


  • useContentPath - meshes and animations will be saved to a location defined by the doom3ExePath and the modname.
  • doom3ExePath - press the "..." button to choose the doom3 executable. The parent folder and modname will be combined to create a content directory to receive the files generated by the export scripts.
  • modname - the name of the mod
  • texturePath - textures used in the skeletal mesh material will be stored here under the content path if Copy Textures is enabled. Files are saved as TGA type image files.
  • materialPath - simple material files will be generated and stored here under the content folder if Write Materials is checked.
  • defPath - a simple definition file for the mesh will be generated and stored here under the content folder if Write Def is enabled.
  • modelPath - mesh and animation files are stored here under the content folder
  • new skeleton - press to start creating a skeleton compatible with this set of scripts.
  • clear ik nodes - press to remove ik related nodes before exporting. The export scripts will not process ik handles and locks properly.
  • Save initial.md5anim - will create a no animation pose based on the bind pose when exporting a mesh.
  • Save Animation Clips - will save individual animation clips to separate md5anim files named after the clips.
  • select a mesh and press the Save Mesh button to save a md5mesh file. If Clintons3dPlugins is not installed press the "..." button to get a load file dialog, right click to create a empty text document and select it to populate the text field
  • select an animated mesh and press the Save Animation button to save a md5anim file.
  • Clear UI - resets the fields to the values shown in the image to the right.
utility panel


The Utilities panel has additional controls for adjusting an imported bvh skeleton to make it compatible with the doom3 exporter.

  • The Get Animation Clips button populates the animationClips list with the clip names of the selected object.
  • After populating the animationClips list select a clip or choose "_Play Range" to use the playback range
  • The Skeleton translations to Origin Joint button will place the skeleton nodes translation values onto the first joint in the heirarchy.
  • Press the Skeleton Anim to Actor button to transfer the animations from the skeleton level to the actor level where the doom3 scripts can find them.

A more thorough explanation of the options available .

Notes from the tS7.5 version of the script

future you tube here


  • The quickest way to get started would be to enable useContentPath, give a modname and just type in the names(not the full path and no extension) for the Save Mesh and Save Animation text fields. The various path fields will be automatically populated the first time a mesh is saved.

  • export dialogs will use a save-as dialog if Clintons3dPlugins rsx plugin is installed and tga texture files can be exported.
  • A generic material can be used with this exporter.
  • The rsx plugins on this site require the VC++ runtime 2008 from Microsoft.

July 29 2013:

  • import and export standard truespace skeleton and unique button id

May 06 2012:

  • fixed command line in mesh and animaton files
  • set mesh to export at frame -10
  • re-enable clips after an animation save.

May 04 2012:

  • some bugs fixed and mesh import is faster
  • more input validation
  • copy texture independent of material write
  • means to convert bvh skeletons
April 29, 2012
June 5, 2013