additional requirements:
Installation for UU9
- UU9 has all prerequisites in place already
Close trueSpace if it is open
Find the plugin file Clintons3dRsView.dll in the tS install folder and remove or rename it to something like Clintons3dRsViewOLD.dll
Copy the rsx files into the tS install folder - and change the file extension from 'rsx' to 'dll'
- Unzip the sceneview2 folder and copy it into the tS main folder '.....\Scripts\UI\images\'
- start tS and drag the installer into the link editor and press the install button
installation instructions here:
- install prerequisites ... TBD
- install the rsx plugin files
- drag into link editor and press the install button
- Unzip the sceneview2 folder and copy it into the tS main folder '.....\Scripts\UI\images\'
- drag the installer into the link editor and press the install button
Can be used with the object stats script
Pre release notes
- icons act as rebuild branch buttons for parent node
- material assignment causes full tree rebuild
- code base only responds to selection changes and changes to the selected node - causes some limitations and performance issues
- another code base limitation - no access to notify messages, many tricks required to get past this
- duplicated 3d items will show as 3d groups until manual refresh
- object stats wont respond to primitive changes until the object is reselected
- new object stats installer will not alter the autokey node
- tree does not update when pressing the ''x' button to delete an unselected node
- not as hoped, a full replacement for built-in scene view
- need test with full uu9 see if slowdown after python editor like built in scene view - original reason for creating scene view 2
- matrix updates from scene view 2 and from webserver not the node view, web server updates less frequently
- all 3 update the mesh element counts
- hidden nodes will show in the tree
- simple materials from old files will have the blank default icon
- tree controls can be non-responsive on first run - clears up after some use
Usage: TODO
- _Scene - refresh/load with the scene as the top level node
- _Root - refresh/load with the Kernel root as the top level node
- Active - update the tree from changes in trueSpace
- Sort - sort alphabetically
- Object Mesh Stats - update the object statistics panel mesh element counts
- Object Matrix Stats - update the object statistics panel matrix values
- Expand To - open the tree to the currently selected node
- Checkbox - selections used in the item checkbox context menu
- Icon indicating the type of object - click to refresh the tree branch of the parent item
- Object name - click to select, rclick to open the item context menu
Object type icons
- Left to Right
- Light, Camera, Material, Scene, 2D Group, 3D Group
- Joint, Bone, IK Handle IK Lock, Skeleton, Actor
- NURBS Patch, NURBS Curve, Text, Animation
- Geometry, Mesh, Particle System, Physics, Hair
- Constraint, Modifier, Object Render, Default blank, Null, Null(non-rendering)
Right click context menu:
Some functions require the Unofficial Update (UU) version of TrueSpace
- Browse in LE - open and look inside the node in the LE view
- Delete - remove the node from trueSpace
- Rename - open an edit control to rename the node, press enter when complete
- Show Node in LE - centers the node in the LE view
- Copy - copy the node to a temporary holding area
- Cut - copy the node to a temporary holding area and delete the original
- Paste Into - paste the previously copy or cut nodes into the node
- Duplicate - copy the node as a sibling node
- UnGroup3D - same as Ungroup but will cleanup connections and remove the transform node , UU required
- UnGroup - unencapsulate the node
- Copy Path - copy the full path of the node into the windows clipboard
- Update Tree - will update the tree from the items parent downward in the tree hierarchy
Right click checkbox context menu:
Select using the checkboxes then use this menu to operate on the selection
- Select - select all chosen items
- Delete - remove the items from trueSpace
- Copy - copy the items to a temporary holding area
- Cut - copy the items to a temporary holding area and delete the original items
- Paste Into - paste the previously copy or cut nodes into the item
- Duplicate - copy the items as a sibling nodes
- Group3D - make a 3D Group from the selected items , UU required
- Group - make a 2D Group from the selected items
- Move into Group - move selected nodes onto another node, check the boxes of the items to move then right click on the target item box
- Move into Group 3D - move into group for 3D objects with matrix connections, check the boxes of the items to move then right click on the target item box
- Update Tree - will update the tree from the items parent downward in the tree hierarchy
Node List View:
link to Node List View information
Some changes from v1 original scene view
- icons to indicate type of object
- icons are mostly from Inkscape and Blender
- context menu actions beyond, Open in LE, Delete and Rename - c++ source code
February 9, 2024
- UU delete fixed so works on reloading tS
February 8, 2024
- fixed UU delete functions
- only open 1 scene view at a time - plugin code not setup for more than 1
- clear store using no-history commands
December 22, 2023
- plugin version v1638415
- null icons
- fix D3D render target getting bone icon
April 15, 2023
- fixed rename bug - was limited number of characters
- v1638414 plugin version
March 25, 2023
- new icon for the scene
- fix browse in le bug
- use UU delete if available
- remove alert from installer