Changes when installed to UU
- replaces the Script Manager
- updates the C3D toolbar button in the custom toolbar
- backup Widgets
minor update to status message to remove junk code - don't see any differences in latest UU Nov 2024
To install over the Unofficial Updates version skip to step 3
- Clintons3dPlugin.rsx - required plugin install before installation.
- reset default context - required before installation
- drag the node into the link editor and press install
- delete the node from the scene after installation is complete
- Restore Widgets to Originals - if a script installed widget goes bad for some reason this button can be used to restore the original widgets that existed before all persistent installs were executed. Any scripts that depend on these widgets would need to be reinstalled. Restore to default context after pressing this button.
update the GetPointsWidget - see link above - is included since July 5
- left click to open the custom toolbar
- right click the C3D button to open the Scripts Manager
- for unofficial updates left click will open the Scripts Manager
Script Manager
Status Indicators from left to right: Not Loaded, Partially Loaded, Fully Loaded
- L - load the scripts and widgets
- U - unload the scripts and widgets and close the toolbar
- Status Indicator, Name and Description
- Scroll buttons - the slider is only an indicator
- Unload All - unload all the load on demand scripts and widgets and close any open toolbars
- Update - update the list and status indicators
- Reload Base Scripts - reloads all the custom scripts that are missing and not a part of the load on demand system
Note: rsx plugin requires
VC++ runtime 2008
from Microsoft. (2007) Get it if the plugin does not install.
Note: may require
VC++ runtime 2008 sp1
from Microsoft. (2010) Get it if the plugin does not install.
Video is for the older v2 C3D
- creates clintonobjects\CustomScriptsStore inside the Scripts folder
- creates clintonobjects\CustomScriptsStore2 for load on demand scripts inside the Scripts folder
- creates ScriptManager.RsObj - to reload persistent scripts and on demand scripts
- new in v3 installs Status Message, C3DReset for loading scripts after context reset, JSON Function Set, Global Function Set and Widget Tools
- backup Toolbars.RsObj to ToolbarsORIGINAL.RsObj
- backup Widgets.RsObj to WidgetsORIGINAL.RsObj
- adds C3DButton button to the WorkspaceNav toolbar or modifies the existing button
- saves Toolbars.RsObj - makes the button persistent
Dev Notes
Load on demand installers need to save scripts and associated widgets into the new clintonobjects\CustomScriptsStore2
Functions are added to CCFunctionSet to call and auto load the script
a new entry in the CCFunctionSet list of scripts is added for the Script Manager
var ScriptsData = [];
format =
{"name" : "a name", "desc" : "a description", "toolbar" : "prototype name", "scriptnodes" : ["full path to script1", "full path to script2", "full path to widget1", ...]}
Persistent install v2 for trueSpace7.61, old version link for history
July 5, 2024
- updated GetPointsWidget
- updated open floating panels
June 6, 2024
- load on demand script support with new Script Manager
- includes several prerequisite scripts used in other scripts
- custom scripts load when reset default context
- can be reinstalled as needed - including over UU9, UU10 and previous C3D version 2
September 3, 2022
August 30, 2021
- forgot updated toolbars reset list for installer
- does not add the C3D button to UU
- more stern warning when installing over existing C3D
August 29, 2021
- removed red, blue and gold unofficial update toolbars
- c3d button added to the built in toolbar again
August 18, 2021
- updated installer
- changed wording if UU not found during installation - choice is more clear
- installation link to UU more general - not direct to beta
- toolbar button(red) link to UU more general - not direct to beta
- reload scripts checks for valid rsobj file extension
- reload scripts clears undo history
February 24, 2018
- persistent install v2
- resets all toolbars before altering and saving them
- installs 3 trueBlue buttons in the workspace nav toolbar, the gold toolbox button is used to open the c3d main toolbar
- C3D button lives in a custom toolbar instead of the workspace nav toolbar
January 14, 2018 - persistent installers that use widgets run before this date have a bug. Added a button to clean out all the new widgets. Restore to default context after pressing this button to complete the deinstallation of new widgets.