The panel provides options for copy or move and tools to make difficult selections easier.
- Allow Invisible Parent - invisible parenting is when one object is parented to another object,
but not within the same encapsulation.
When active the link between the parent and the child nodes will not be visible in the link editor.
When inactive the child nodes will be relocated to the same encapsulation as the parent and their relationship will be visible in the link editor.
- Copy - a copy of the selection will be used for parenting or grouping. The group or parent nodes are not copied.
- Set Source Objects - preselect the source/child nodes and press the button to save the selection
- Set Destination Object - preselect the destination/parent node and press the button to save.
- Move 2D - move the source nodes into the destination node.
- Move to Scene - move the preselected source nodes to the scene level.
- Move 3D - move the preselected source nodes into a 3D destination node..
- Parent - parent the source nodes to the destination node.
- Open Hierarchy Toolbar - open standalone toolbar.
Hierarchy Conversion - change the type of hierarchy
- Selected Only - operate on the currently selected objects. Uncheck to run on the whole scene.
- UnGroup - convert 3D grouped objects to individual items.
- Groups to Parents - convert 3D group objects to parenting hierarchy.
- Parents to Groups - convert parenting hierarchy to 3D groups.