VolumeTree version 1.0
Calculation of octree representation for given space (Anton Mateasik)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SpaceRoot Space Root Name --- string INPUT,
Volume Tree Volume Space Octree --- Tree Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Depth Octree Depth --- uint INPUT,
Last modified: 01.10.2003
ShapeVolumeInfo version 1.0
Calculation of OBB Tree, mesh center and bounding box for given object (Anton Mateasik)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Mesh Input Mesh --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
Matrix Transform Matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
Shape Info Shape Volume Info --- OBBTree Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Box Bounding Box --- Float Array Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Inertia Inertia Matrix --- Matrix Float Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Center Mesh Center --- Point Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Volume Object Volume --- real OUTPUT, CACHING,
RoxX Rotation Center X --- real INPUT,
RoxY Rotation Center Y --- real INPUT,
RoxZ Rotatation Center Z --- real INPUT,
Sphere Tree Sphere Tree Hierarchy --- Sphere Tree Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Render Render Attributes --- Render Attributes Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 01.09.2003
Material List Manager version 1.0
Material list manager (creates final material list from input material chunks). Input connectors are added dynamically to match required chunks number (Peter Malcovsky)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material List Material List --- Material List Data object OUTPUT,
Active material ID Active material class ID --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 01.09.2005
Material Flavor Manager version 1.0
Material chunk manager (creates final material chunk from input material items and additional info). Input connectors are added dynamically to match required items number. (Peter Malcovsky)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Chunk Material Chunk --- Material Chunk Data object OUTPUT,
Material Index Material Index --- uint INPUT,
Active Info Active and validity flags --- Material Active Info Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 01.09.2005
Material List Inspect version 1.0
Helper object for inspecting material lists (num of chunks, indices, duplicity check etc) (Peter Malcovsky)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input material list Input material list --- Material List Data object INPUT,
Number of chunks Number of chunks --- uint OUTPUT,
Active class Active (origin) class --- string OUTPUT,
Indices Indices list --- string OUTPUT,
Last modified: 01.09.2005
Array Object Info version 1.0
Bridge helper object for identifying an arrays object (Peter Malcovsky)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Array Obj Info Array Object Info --- Array Object Info Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 01.09.2005
Lattice version 1.0
Skin mesh object (similar to the Shape object) (Peter Malcovsky)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 01.09.2005
Layers Info version 1.0
Layers info object (Peter Malcovsky)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Layers Info Modeler Layers Info --- Layers Info Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 01.09.2005
Grid snapping version 1.0
Grid snapping node. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Snap coordinates Snapping coordinates --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Multiplicative scale Use multiplicative scale grid snapping. --- boolean INPUT,
Angle X Angle step for angle snapping, X direction. --- real INPUT,
Angle Y Angle step for angle snapping, Y direction. --- real INPUT,
Angle Z Angle step for angle snapping, Z direction. --- real INPUT,
Scale X Scale step for snapping, X direction. --- real INPUT,
Scale Y Scale step for snapping, Y direction. --- real INPUT,
Scale Z Scale step for snapping, Z direction. --- real INPUT,
Offset x Grid offset, X direction --- real INPUT,
Offset y Grid offset, Y direction --- real INPUT,
Offset z Grid offset, Z direction --- real INPUT,
Step x Grid size, X direction --- real INPUT,
Step y Grid size, Y direction --- real INPUT,
Step z Grid size, Z direction --- real INPUT,
Absolute In Absolute mode, use offsets as starting position. Otherwise use current point position. --- boolean INPUT,
Grid snapping Enable/Disable grid snapping --- boolean INPUT,
Snap radius Grid snap radius in screen pixels. Set 0 for infinity. --- real INPUT,
MoveEnableX Enable move snapping in X direction --- boolean INPUT,
MoveEnableY Enable move snapping in Y direction --- boolean INPUT,
MoveEnableZ Enable move snapping in Z direction --- boolean INPUT,
Angular snap Angular snapping radius --- real INPUT,
RotateEnableX Enable rotation snapping in X direction --- boolean INPUT,
RotateEnableY Enable rotation snapping in Y direction --- boolean INPUT,
RotateEnableZ Enable rotation snapping in Z direction --- boolean INPUT,
Scale snap Scaling snapping factor --- real INPUT,
ScaleEnableX Enable scale snapping in X direction --- boolean INPUT,
ScaleEnableY Enable scale snapping in Y direction --- boolean INPUT,
ScaleEnableZ Enable scale snapping in Z direction --- boolean INPUT,
Snapping Snapping & constraints data object --- object OUTPUT, CUSTOM,
Last modified: 11/04/2006
Axis lock version 1.0
Axis locking node. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Enable X Enable movement along X axis --- boolean INPUT,
Enable Y Enable movement along Y axis --- boolean INPUT,
Enable Z Enable movement along Z axis --- boolean INPUT,
Axes lock Enable/Disable axis locking --- boolean INPUT,
Screen in 2D Force screenspace in 2D ortho views --- boolean INPUT,
Angle Axes angle for 2D screenspace mode --- real INPUT,
Snapping Snapping & constraints data object --- object OUTPUT, CUSTOM,
Last modified: 12/04/2006
Bone transform version 1.0
Bone transformation. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Bone Bone parameters --- Bone transform parameters DO object INPUT,
Bones Bone transform --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Transform World space transform matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
WldMatrix World matrix --- Matrix Float Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 26/09/2006
Dialog settings version 1.0
Store for user responses for various actions. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Convert to editable mesh Show dialog about conversion to editable mesh --- boolean INPUT,
Instanced to editable mesh Convert instanced shape to editable shape --- boolean INPUT,
Flatten objects Construction history & scripts destruction warning --- boolean INPUT,
Editing non-genuine mesh Editing of non-genuine mesh which may cause loss of functionality. --- boolean INPUT,
Topology mods before morph Performance warning when adding morphs after topology modifier nodes. --- boolean INPUT,
Object already skinned Object already skinned; skin settings will be lost --- boolean INPUT,
Attached to other skeleton Object attached to different skeleton and needs to be re-attached --- boolean INPUT,
Attached as object Object already attached to skeleton and needs skin modifier --- boolean INPUT,
Skinning non-mesh obj You are trying to skin non-mesh object (camera, light, ...) --- boolean INPUT,
Skinned with other skeleton Object already skinned with different skeleton, re-attaching will lost skinning --- boolean INPUT,
Skinning SDS object SDS may corrupt skin weights when SDS is done before skinning --- boolean INPUT,
Morphs mesh history collapse Vertex morph do not support topology operations in mesh modifiers pipeline --- boolean INPUT,
UV remapping required UV modifier needs to be applyed to control mesh --- boolean INPUT,
Primitive tool mesh conversion Unioning meshes requires conversion to editable mesh --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 18/10/2006
Hair version 1.0
Hair generator node (Marek Kovac)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Control mesh Hair source geometry --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
Length Hair length --- real INPUT,
Density Hair density --- real INPUT,
Softness Hair softness --- real INPUT,
Direction randomization Direction randomization --- real INPUT,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Control matrix Control matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
Bottom thickness Bottom thickness --- real INPUT,
Top thickness Top thickness --- real INPUT,
Strand profile Strand profile --- string INPUT,
Profile segments Profile segments --- uint INPUT,
Length randomization Length randomization --- real INPUT,
Show backfaces Show backfaces --- boolean OUTPUT,
Hair data Hair data --- Hair Data object OUTPUT,
Realtime render Vray render percentage --- real INPUT,
Vray render Vray render percentage --- real INPUT,
Curliness Curliness --- real INPUT,
Edge opacity Edge opacity --- real OUTPUT,
Face opacity Face opacity --- real OUTPUT,
Preview mode Preview mode --- boolean INPUT,
Texture segments Texture segments --- uint INPUT,
Enable collisions Enable collisions --- boolean INPUT,
Color texture Color texture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
Render as mesh Render as mesh --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 11/29/2006
Editable shape version 1.0
Editable mesh node. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input Mesh Input Mesh for Shape --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Selection Mesh selected elements --- Selection Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 03/06/2005
Hair preferences version 1.0
Hair preferences node (Marek Kovac)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Max strands per object Max strands per object --- real INPUT,
Preview color Preview color --- Color Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 01/10/2007
Hair mapper version 1.0
Hair wig mapper node (Marek Kovac)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Source mesh Source mesh --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
Source matrix Source matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
Dest matrix Dest matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Input Mesh Input Mesh for Shape --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
WldMatrix World matrix --- Matrix Float Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
ObjMatrix Object's matrix --- Matrix Float Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
OwnerMatrix Owner's matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
Matrix Object's input matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 03/20/2006
Vertex morphs version 1.0
Vertex morph store node (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Current morph Current edited vertex morph --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Relative Edit Edit morph relative to other morphs instead of relative to base pose --- boolean INPUT,
Input morphs Input vertex morphs --- Vertex morph DO object INPUT,
Vertex Morphs Vertex Morphs --- Vertex morph DO object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 25/07/2007
Vertex morpher version 1.0
Vertex morpher node (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Morphs Morphs --- Vertex morph DO object INPUT,
Input Mesh Input Mesh for Shape --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 25/07/2007
Material editor handler version 1.0
Material editor master encapsulator. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Active material Active material editor material --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Direct editing Edit picked material directly --- boolean INPUT,
Default editor Default material editor to open for material --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Conversion mode Material conversion mode --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 20/10/2007
Offline renderers version 1.0
Offline renderers encapsulator. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Renderer Active offline renderer --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 27/10/2007
Materials version 1.0
Referenced materials encapsulator. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Last modified: 21/12/2007
Referenced Material version 1.0
Referenced material flavor manager. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Chunk Material Chunk --- Material Chunk Data object OUTPUT,
Material Index Material Index --- uint INPUT,
Active Info Active and validity flags --- Material Active Info Data object INPUT,
Input material --- Material Chunk Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Reference Material referencing info --- Referenced material info object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 27/12/2007
Command Prompt Node version 1.0
Command prompt node provides communication and accessibility between the Command prompt activeX control and the rest of graph. It processes input keyboard actions from users, translates them to command lines which are sent to command manager for further processing. (Kusnier Martin, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
NameSpace Name Space --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 05/10/2003
Output Node version 1.0
Debug view node provides communication and accessibility between the Debug view activeX control and the rest of graph. It processes log events from system and displays them in assigned control. (Kusnier Martin, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Text Output text --- string INPUT,
Output Msg Message connector --- uint INPUT,
Last modified: 05/10/2003
StackView Node version 1.0
Stack view prompt node providees communication and accessibility between the Stack view activeX control and the rest of graph. It processes events of executed commands and updates control with command history data. (Kusnier Martin, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Last modified: 05/10/2003
LogOutput version 1.0
Debug view node provides communication and accessibility between the Debug view activeX control and the rest of graph. It processes log events from system and displays them in assigned control. (Kusnier Martin, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
LogMode Log view mode --- int INPUT,
Last modified: 05/10/2003
Package View Node version 1.0
Package manager (Kusnier Martin, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Last modified: 19/10/2007
SceneView Node version 1.0
Scene view (Kusnier Martin, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Last modified: 14/11/2007
D3DRendererData version 1.0
This object holds the performance settings of the D3DView rendering engine (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Start_Node Starting node of the created window --- string INPUT, HIDDEN,
Full_Rescan_Rate Maximum rate of full graph rescan (N times per second) --- uint INPUT,
Refresh_Rate Maximum rate of refresh of cache nodes values (N times per second) --- uint INPUT,
Refresh_Rate_Medium Maximum rate of medium complex refresh of cache nodes values (N times per second) --- uint INPUT,
Refresh_Rate_Heavy Maximum rate of heavy complex refresh of cache nodes values (N times per second) --- uint INPUT,
Maximum_FPS Maximum frame rate for rendering (N times per second) --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN,
LOD_Geometry Geometry LOD --- real INPUT, HIDDEN,
LOD_Texture Texture LOD --- real INPUT, HIDDEN,
LOD_Lighting Lighting LOD --- real INPUT, HIDDEN,
LOD_Shadow Shadows LOD --- real INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DMeshCache version 1.0
Internal object that translates 3D objects from graph to the D3DView engine format (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
D3D_MeshCache_Transform Transform --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
D3D_MeshCache_Mesh Mesh --- Mesh Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
D3D_MeshCache_Material Material --- Material Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
D3D_MeshCache_Atts Attribs --- Render Attributes Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DLightCache2 version 1.0
Internal object that translates lights from graph to the D3DView engine format (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
D3D_Light_Attributes Light_Attributes --- D3D Light Properties Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DWidgetCache version 1.0
Internal object that translates widgets from graph to the D3DView engine format (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
D3D_Widget_Attribs D3D_Widget_Attribs --- Base Widget Interface object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DCameraCache version 1.0
Internal object that translates cameras from graph to the D3DView engine format (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
D3D_Camera_Transform Camera_Transform --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
D3D_Camera_Attributes Camera_Attributes --- D3D Camera Data object INPUT,
Camera_Attributes Camera_Attributes --- Camera Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DMaterialSimple version 1.0
Simple material with single diffuse color property. This material does not have any specular attributes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
DiffuseColor Diffuse color --- Color Data object INPUT,
D3DMaterial Output material --- D3D Material Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
HDRColor version 1.0
HDRColor object allows to create IRdColor output as well as plain 32bit RGBA color code from four real number values - Red, Green, Blue and Alpha (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
HDRColor High definition range color --- Color Data object OUTPUT,
Red Red value (1 is full intensity) --- real INPUT,
Green Green value (1 is full intensity) --- real INPUT,
Blue Blue value (1 is full intensity) --- real INPUT,
Alpha Alpha value (1 is full intensity) --- real INPUT,
Color32 32bit color value with 8 bits for each channel in the RGBA order --- uint OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DSceneLayer version 1.0
Scene layer represents one batch of rendered context. Each layer has to specify the camera it uses for the rendering. Layers are valid only inside the window nodes and together with the proper render target nodes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Lower Layer The layer input --- D3D Layer Data object INPUT,
Layer The layer output parameter --- D3D Layer Data object OUTPUT,
SceneRoot Root of the rendering --- string INPUT,
Camera Camera for the rendering --- string INPUT,
Clear depth stencil Clear depth stencil --- boolean INPUT,
RenderAttributesLayer RenderAttributesLayer --- Render Attributes Data object INPUT,
Usage The usage of the layer --- string INPUT,
ViewType Type of the view when the eye camera is used --- uint INPUT,
Grid The grid for this view --- D3D Grid Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DWindowedRT version 1.0
Windowed render target represents represents the target surface where the layers are being rendered. Windowed render targets are valid only inside the window nodes and together with the proper scene layer nodes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
RenderTarget Output render target --- D3D Render Target Data object OUTPUT,
LayerIn Input layer --- D3D Layer Data object INPUT,
BackgroundColor BackgroundColor --- Color Data object INPUT,
Version Version --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN,
NavToolbar NavToolbar --- string INPUT,
TopNavToolbar TopNavToolbar --- string INPUT,
PostProcessingSetup PostProcessingSetup --- D3DView post processing setup object INPUT,
AntiAliasing Anti Aliasing Quality --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DGrid version 1.0
Grid object displays the two color checkerboard surface in the context. (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
GridData The grid data --- D3D Grid Data object OUTPUT,
TilesX Tiles count on X axis --- uint INPUT,
ZoomFactor Zoom from range 0..1 to 0..x --- real INPUT,
ColorDiff1 Diffuse color for square type 1 --- Color Data object INPUT,
ColorDiff2 Diffuse color for square type 2 --- Color Data object INPUT,
Repeat Repeat factor around the origin --- uint INPUT,
Version Version of grid to allow panel changes in views --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN,
Orientation Orientation of the grid --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Ground Render style of the ground --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
SphericalBoundingVolume version 1.0
This object creates the spherical bounding volume objects from given position and radius (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Center Center of the spherical bounding volume --- Point Data object INPUT,
Radius Radius of the spherical bounding volume --- real INPUT,
Volume The bounding volume --- Bounding Volume Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
FrustumBoundingVolume version 1.0
This object creates view frustum bounding volume from given view-projection matrix (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
FrustumMatrix FrustumMatrix of the bounding volume --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
Volume The bounding volume --- Bounding Volume Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
FullAttenuationDistance version 1.0
This object computes the distance at which the light attenuation falls below given threshold. Light attenuation has the formula 1/(d*d*Quadratic + d*Linear + Constant) (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
FullAttenuationDistance Full Attenuation Distance --- real OUTPUT,
QuadraticAttenuation Quadratic attenuation parameter --- real INPUT,
LinearAttenuation Linear attenuation parameter --- real INPUT,
ConstantAttenuation Constant attenuation parameter --- real INPUT,
ThresholdAttenuation Threshold Attenuation --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
TSCompatibleLight version 1.0
This object computes the structure necessary for the light transfer to Model view (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
TSLightProperties TSLightProperties --- TS Compatible Light Data object OUTPUT,
Type Type (local, infinite, spot, projector) --- string INPUT,
Color Color --- Color Data object INPUT,
Position Position --- Point Data object INPUT,
Direction Direction --- Point Data object INPUT,
AttQuadratic Quadratic attenuation --- real INPUT,
AttLinear Linear attenuation --- real INPUT,
AttConstant Constant attenuation --- real INPUT,
AttTreshold Attenuation threshold --- real INPUT,
Angle Light cone angle (spotlight) or radius (directional light) --- real INPUT,
ShadowMapSize ShadowMap Size --- uint INPUT,
ShadowEnabled Status of the shadow --- boolean INPUT,
ProjectorMap Projector Map (for projector lights) --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
AreaLightVisible Visibility (for area lights) --- boolean INPUT,
AreaSamples Number of samples (for area lights) --- uint INPUT,
HotspotAngle Light cone hotspot angle (for spotlights) --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3D Texture render target version 1.0
Render to texture node (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Texture Rendered texture --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Background Background color --- Color Data object INPUT,
Post processing Post processing object --- D3DView post processing setup object INPUT,
Format Texture format --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AntiAliasing Anti aliasing quality (if supported) --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Width Width --- uint INPUT,
Height Height --- uint INPUT,
Root Rendering root (empty to current encapsulator) --- string INPUT,
Camera Camera to use for rendering --- string INPUT,
Preview refresh Refresh of the preview (and non D3D bitmap interface). Slow. --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 17/02/2007
SpotlightMatrix version 1.0
Create the projection (frustum) matrix of the spotlight and compute the light vector and maximum cone angle (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Angle The lighting angle of the light --- real INPUT,
Near_clip_plane Near clipping plane --- real INPUT,
Far_clip_plane Far clipping plane --- real INPUT,
Input_position Input position --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
SpotlightMatrix Spotlight matrix --- Matrix Float Data object OUTPUT,
TargetVector Spotlight direction vector to the target --- Point Data object OUTPUT,
MaxAngle Maximum spotlight angle --- real OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
DirectionallightMatrix version 1.0
Create the projection (frustum) matrix of the directional light and compute the light vector (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Size The size of the light beam --- real INPUT,
Near_clip_plane Near clipping plane --- real INPUT,
Far_clip_plane Far clipping plane --- real INPUT,
Input_position Input position --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
LightMatrix Light matrix --- Matrix Float Data object OUTPUT,
TargetVector Light direction vector to the target --- Point Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
ShaderInput version 1.0
This object provides access to all attributes filled by the real-time material rendering engine (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
EyePos Eye position in world space --- object OUTPUT,
EyeDir Normalized eye vector in world space. Note that this is vector pointing from surface to the eye --- object OUTPUT,
EyeDist Distance from current point to the eye --- object OUTPUT,
Position Shading point position in world space. --- object OUTPUT,
TexCoords 3D texture coordinates for given surface point. Any undefined channel (u, v or w) is replaced with 0. Initialized to interpolated vertex texture coords. Replaced by output of TextCoord shader. --- object OUTPUT,
Color Color specified by color shader. RGB portion is used to specify color (and is not limited to range 0-1). Initialized to interpolated vertex color. Replaced by output of Color shader. --- object OUTPUT,
Normal Normalized normal of the surface for given pixel. Normal vector is expected to be in world space. Initialized with denormalized interpolated vertex normal. Replaced by output of Normal shader. --- object OUTPUT,
Tangent Normalized tangent of the surface for given pixel. Tangent vector is expected to be in world space. Initialized with denormalized interpolated vertex tangent. Replaced by output of Normal shader. --- object OUTPUT,
Alpha Transparency specified for given pixel. Value should be specified in range 0...1 (full transparency ... fully opaque). Initialized to 1. Replaced by output of Alpha shader. --- object OUTPUT,
LightDir Normalized light direction vector for given pixel. Light vector is expected to be in world space. Note that this is vector pointing from surface to the light. Initialized in the Vertex light shader. Replaced by output of Light shader. --- object OUTPUT,
LightDist Distance of the current point to the light. Initialized in the Vertex light shader. Replaced by output of Light shader. --- object OUTPUT,
LightColor Light color for given pixel. Replaced by output of Light shader. --- object OUTPUT,
TangentToWorld Transformation matrix from tangent space to world space for vectors. --- object OUTPUT,
WorldToObject Transformation matrix from world space to object space --- object OUTPUT,
ObjectToWorld Transformation matrix from object space to world space. Note that this is inverse matrix to WorldToObject. --- object OUTPUT,
ObjectToWorld_Normal A 3x3 Transformation matrix for normal and tangent vectors from object space to world space. --- object OUTPUT,
ObjectToClip Perspective transformation matrix from object space to screen space. --- object OUTPUT,
WorldToClip Perspective transformation matrix from world space to screen space. --- object OUTPUT,
TexCoords2 A secondary set of texture coordinates for given surface point. Any undefined channel (u, v or w) is replaced with 0. Initialized to interpolated second vertex texture coords. --- object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
InputBitmap version 1.0
This object provides access to the bitmap (texture) data from the shader (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Bitmap Input bitmap --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
SamplerBrick Bitmap brick --- object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
oBitmap Output bitmap --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Input usage The usage specification for this parameter --- string INPUT,
MinFilter Minification filter (Point, Linear, Anisotropic) --- string INPUT,
MagFilter Magnification filter (Point, Linear, Anisotropic) --- string INPUT,
MipFilter Mipmapping filter (Point, Linear, Anisotropic) --- string INPUT,
U_AddressMode U Addressing mode (Wrap, Mirror, Clamp, Border, MirrorOnce) --- string INPUT,
V_AddressMode V Addressing mode (Wrap, Mirror, Clamp, Border, MirrorOnce) --- string INPUT,
Border color Border color --- Color Data object INPUT,
MaxAnisotropy Maximum anisotropy level --- uint INPUT,
MipMapLODBias Mip map LOD Bias --- real INPUT,
MaxMipLevel Maximum mipmap level --- uint INPUT,
EnableCompression Enable the DirectX texture compression to save memory and increase speed (details of the texture might be decreased) --- boolean INPUT,
GenerateMipMaps Generate mip-maps to increase the speed --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
InputBitmap1D version 1.0
This object provides access to the 1D bitmap (texture) data from the shader. 1D bitmap has vertical resolution of one pixel. (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Bitmap Input bitmap --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
Sampler1DBrick Bitmap brick --- object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
oBitmap Output bitmap --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Input usage The usage specification for this parameter --- string INPUT,
MinFilter Minification filter (Point, Linear, Anisotropic) --- string INPUT,
MagFilter Magnification filter (Point, Linear, Anisotropic) --- string INPUT,
MipFilter Mipmapping filter (Point, Linear, Anisotropic) --- string INPUT,
U_AddressMode U Addressing mode (Wrap, Mirror, Clamp, Border, MirrorOnce) --- string INPUT,
Border color Border color --- Color Data object INPUT,
MaxAnisotropy Maximum anisotropy level --- uint INPUT,
MipMapLODBias Mip map LOD Bias --- real INPUT,
MaxMipLevel Maximum mipmap level --- uint INPUT,
EnableCompression Enable the DirectX texture compression to save memory and increase speed (details of the texture might be decreased) --- boolean INPUT,
GenerateMipMaps Generate mip-maps to increase the speed --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
InputColor version 1.0
This object provides access to the color data from the shader. (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Color Input color --- Color Data object INPUT,
ColorBrick Color brick --- object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
oColor Output color --- Color Data object OUTPUT,
Input usage The usage specification for this parameter --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
InputFloat version 1.0
This object provides access to the numerical data from the shader. (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Float Input float --- real INPUT,
FloatBrick Float brick --- object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
oFloat Output float --- real OUTPUT,
Input usage The usage specification for this parameter --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
InputMatrix version 1.0
This object provides access to the matrix (transformation) data from the shader. (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Matrix Input matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
MatrixBrick Matrix brick --- object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
oMatrix Output matrix --- Matrix Float Data object OUTPUT,
Input usage The usage specification for this parameter --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
InputPoint version 1.0
This object provides access to the point (vertex) data from the shader. (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Point Input point --- Point Data object INPUT,
PointBrick Point brick --- object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
oPoint Output point --- Point Data object OUTPUT,
Input usage The usage specification for this parameter --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
FunctionBrick version 1.0
Common code for each shader component defined in the XML file (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
PrivateShaderData PrivateShaderData --- ME2 Shader Brick Method Def Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
HLSL Script Brick version 1.0
Common code for each shader component defined in the scripting form. (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
_scriptData Internal Script data --- Script Object Definition Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
ShaderAlpha version 1.0
Alpha shader specifies the transparency properties of the real-time material (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Alpha_shader Alpha shader --- ME2 Shader Alpha Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Alpha Input alpha brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
ShaderColor version 1.0
Color shader specifies the color properties of the real-time material (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Color_shader Color shader --- ME2 Shader Color Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Color Input color brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
ShaderConstant version 1.0
Constant shader specifies the constant color properties of the real-time material (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Constant_shader Constant shader --- ME2 Shader Constant Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Color Input color brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 14/12/2006
ShaderNormal version 1.0
Normal shader computes the normal and tangent vector of the point in the real-time material (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Normal_shader Normal shader --- ME2 Shader Normal Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Normal Input Normal brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Tangent Input Tangent brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
ShaderTexcoord version 1.0
Texture coordinates shader computes the primary and secondary coordinates of the point in the real-time material (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Texcoord_shader Texcoord shader --- ME2 Shader Texcoord Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Texcoord Input texcoord brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Texcoord2 Input texcoord2 brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
ShaderModel version 1.0
Lighting model shader computes the reflectance properties of the material (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Model_shader Model shader --- ME2 Shader Model Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Color Input color brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
ShaderLight version 1.0
Light shader specifies the light properties (light vector, color) that affect the point during rendering (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Light_shader Light shader --- ME2 Shader Light Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Color Input color brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Direction Input direction brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Distance Input distance brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
ShaderLightVertex version 1.0
Vertex light shader specifies the light properties (light vector, color) that affect the mesh vertex during rendering (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Light_shader Light shader --- ME2 Shader Light Vertex Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Color Input color brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Direction Input direction brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Distance Input distance brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
ShaderVertex version 1.0
Vertex shader specifies the properties of vertex (position, normal, tangent, color) during the rendering. (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Vertex_shader Vertex shader --- ME2 Shader Vertex Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Position Input position brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Color Input color brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Normal Input normal brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Tangent Input tangent brick --- object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
Material version 1.0
The real-time material compiler object creates material from individual shaders (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
AlphaShader Alpha shader --- ME2 Shader Alpha Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Constant_shader Constant shader --- ME2 Shader Constant Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
ColorShader Color shader --- ME2 Shader Color Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
ModelShader Model shader --- ME2 Shader Model Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
NormalShader Normal shader --- ME2 Shader Normal Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
TexcoordShader Texcoord shader --- ME2 Shader Texcoord Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
VertexShader Vertex shader --- ME2 Shader Vertex Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
AlphaTest Alpha Test type --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue Alpha Test Value --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
LightProperties version 1.0
Properties of the real-time lights such as shaders and bounding volume objects (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
LightAttributes LightAttributes --- D3D Light Properties Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
LightShader LightShader --- ME2 Shader Light Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
VertexLightShader VertexLightShader --- ME2 Shader Light Vertex Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
BoundingVolume BoundingVolume --- Bounding Volume Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
ShadowMap version 1.0
Shader component that is able to provide shadow data to the light shaders (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
LightIntensityBrick Shadow intensity brick --- object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
LightMatrix Spotlight matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
LightPosition Light Position --- Point Data object INPUT,
Map_size Shadow map size --- uint INPUT,
EnableShadow Enable the shadow --- boolean INPUT,
SpotCone The spotlight cone texture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
NearClipPlane The near clipping plane --- real INPUT,
FarClipPlane The far clipping plane --- real INPUT,
DepthBias Depth bias value is added to the shadow depth to resolve the numerical instabilities during computations. Specify values from 0 to 256. The more bias you add, the more errors are removed but shadow is less precise --- uint INPUT,
FilteringQuality Shadow filtering quality level used to create the appearance of soft edged shadows --- uint INPUT,
SamplesCount Number of shadow map samples for highest quality --- uint INPUT,
FilterSize Size of the shadow filter (in pixels) --- uint INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
Solid version 1.0
Real-time material with solid color (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
DiffuseColor DiffuseColor --- Color Data object INPUT,
VertexColorStrength VertexColorStrength --- real INPUT,
Shininess Shininess --- real INPUT,
DiffuseStrength DiffuseStrength --- real INPUT,
SpecularStrength SpecularStrength --- real INPUT,
AlphaTest AlphaTest --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue AlphaTestValue --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
SolidTransparency version 1.0
Real-time material with solid color and transparency (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
DiffuseColor DiffuseColor --- Color Data object INPUT,
VertexColorStrength VertexColorStrength --- real INPUT,
Transparency Transparency --- real INPUT,
Shininess Shininess --- real INPUT,
DiffuseStrength DiffuseStrength --- real INPUT,
SpecularStrength SpecularStrength --- real INPUT,
AlphaTest AlphaTest --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue AlphaTestValue --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
TextureBumpAlpha version 1.0
Real-time material with color texture, normal map and alpha texture (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
DiffuseTexture DiffuseTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleX DifTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleY DifTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveX DifTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveY DifTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
NormalTexture NormalTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
NormTexCoordScaleX NormTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordScaleY NormTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordMoveX NormTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordMoveY NormTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
AlphaTexture AlphaTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
AlphaTexCoordScaleX AlphaTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
AlphaTexCoordScaleY AlphaTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
AlphaTexCoordMoveX AlphaTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
AlphaTexCoordMoveY AlphaTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
Shininess Shininess --- real INPUT,
DiffuseStrength DiffuseStrength --- real INPUT,
SpecularStrength SpecularStrength --- real INPUT,
AlphaTest AlphaTest --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue AlphaTestValue --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
TextureBump version 1.0
Real-time material with color texture and normal map (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
DiffuseTexture DiffuseTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleX DifTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleY DifTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveX DifTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveY DifTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
NormalTexture NormalTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
NormTexCoordScaleX NormTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordScaleY NormTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordMoveX NormTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordMoveY NormTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
Shininess Shininess --- real INPUT,
DiffuseStrength DiffuseStrength --- real INPUT,
SpecularStrength SpecularStrength --- real INPUT,
AlphaTest AlphaTest --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue AlphaTestValue --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
TextureBumpTransparency version 1.0
Real-time material with color texture, normal map and transparency (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
DiffuseTexture DiffuseTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleX DifTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleY DifTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveX DifTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveY DifTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
NormalTexture NormalTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
NormTexCoordScaleX NormTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordScaleY NormTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordMoveX NormTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordMoveY NormTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
Transparency Transparency --- real INPUT,
Shininess Shininess --- real INPUT,
DiffuseStrength DiffuseStrength --- real INPUT,
SpecularStrength SpecularStrength --- real INPUT,
AlphaTest AlphaTest --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue AlphaTestValue --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
Texture version 1.0
Real-time material with color texture (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
DiffuseTexture DiffuseTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleX DifTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleY DifTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveX DifTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveY DifTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
Shininess Shininess --- real INPUT,
DiffuseStrength DiffuseStrength --- real INPUT,
SpecularStrength SpecularStrength --- real INPUT,
AlphaTest AlphaTest --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue AlphaTestValue --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
SolidMetal version 1.0
Real-time metallic material with solid color (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
DiffuseColor DiffuseColor --- Color Data object INPUT,
VertexColorStrength VertexColorStrength --- real INPUT,
Shininess Shininess --- real INPUT,
DiffuseStrength DiffuseStrength --- real INPUT,
SpecularStrength SpecularStrength --- real INPUT,
AlphaTest AlphaTest --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue AlphaTestValue --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
SolidTransparencyMetal version 1.0
Real-time metallic material with solid color and transparency (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
DiffuseColor DiffuseColor --- Color Data object INPUT,
VertexColorStrength VertexColorStrength --- real INPUT,
Transparency Transparency --- real INPUT,
Shininess Shininess --- real INPUT,
DiffuseStrength DiffuseStrength --- real INPUT,
SpecularStrength SpecularStrength --- real INPUT,
AlphaTest AlphaTest --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue AlphaTestValue --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
TextureBumpAlphaMetal version 1.0
Real-time metallic material with color texture, normal map and alpha texture (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
DiffuseTexture DiffuseTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleX DifTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleY DifTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveX DifTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveY DifTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
NormalTexture NormalTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
NormTexCoordScaleX NormTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordScaleY NormTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordMoveX NormTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordMoveY NormTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
AlphaTexture AlphaTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
AlphaTexCoordScaleX AlphaTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
AlphaTexCoordScaleY AlphaTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
AlphaTexCoordMoveX AlphaTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
AlphaTexCoordMoveY AlphaTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
Shininess Shininess --- real INPUT,
DiffuseStrength DiffuseStrength --- real INPUT,
SpecularStrength SpecularStrength --- real INPUT,
AlphaTest AlphaTest --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue AlphaTestValue --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
TextureBumpMetal version 1.0
Real-time metallic material with color texture and normal map (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
DiffuseTexture DiffuseTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleX DifTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleY DifTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveX DifTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveY DifTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
NormalTexture NormalTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
NormTexCoordScaleX NormTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordScaleY NormTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordMoveX NormTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordMoveY NormTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
Shininess Shininess --- real INPUT,
DiffuseStrength DiffuseStrength --- real INPUT,
SpecularStrength SpecularStrength --- real INPUT,
AlphaTest AlphaTest --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue AlphaTestValue --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
TextureBumpTransparencyMetal version 1.0
Real-time metallic material with color texture, normal map and transparency (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
DiffuseTexture DiffuseTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleX DifTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleY DifTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveX DifTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveY DifTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
NormalTexture NormalTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
NormTexCoordScaleX NormTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordScaleY NormTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordMoveX NormTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
NormTexCoordMoveY NormTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
Transparency Transparency --- real INPUT,
Shininess Shininess --- real INPUT,
DiffuseStrength DiffuseStrength --- real INPUT,
SpecularStrength SpecularStrength --- real INPUT,
AlphaTest AlphaTest --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue AlphaTestValue --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
TextureMetal version 1.0
Real-time metallic material with color texture (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME2 Material Data object OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
DiffuseTexture DiffuseTexture --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleX DifTexCoordScaleX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordScaleY DifTexCoordScaleY --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveX DifTexCoordMoveX --- real INPUT,
DifTexCoordMoveY DifTexCoordMoveY --- real INPUT,
Shininess Shininess --- real INPUT,
DiffuseStrength DiffuseStrength --- real INPUT,
SpecularStrength SpecularStrength --- real INPUT,
AlphaTest AlphaTest --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
AlphaTestValue AlphaTestValue --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MaterialEditorHook version 1.0
The node that receives material change messages when material editor tool is active (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
EditedObject Edited Object --- string INPUT,
DisplayedObjects Displayed Objects --- string INPUT,
Enabled Enabled --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
PostProcessing version 1.0
The node that holds the post-processing settings and panel for the current window. (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
PostProcessingSetup PostProcessingSetup --- D3DView post processing setup object OUTPUT,
SuperSampling SuperSampling of the image --- boolean INPUT,
Bloom Enable bloom --- boolean INPUT,
Highlight Threshold Highlight Threshold --- real INPUT,
Scene intensity Scene intensity --- real INPUT,
Bloom intensity Bloom intensity --- real INPUT,
Highlight intensity Highlight intensity --- real INPUT,
Bloom quality Bloom quality --- uint INPUT,
Bloom downsample Bloom downsample --- uint INPUT,
Version Version --- uint INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
Material Editor Tools version 1.0
The persistent data for the material pick tool (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ToolEnabled The state of the material pick tool --- boolean OUTPUT,
ShownPanel The currently shown panel node --- string OUTPUT,
Last modified: 08/03/2005
MEFShaderInput version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
EyePos Eye position in world space --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
EyeDir Normalized eye vector in world space. Note that this is vector pointing from surface to the eye --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
EyeDist Distance from current point to the eye --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
Position Shading point position in world space. --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
TexCoords 3D texture coordinates for given surface point. Any undefined channel (u, v or w) is replaced with 0. Initialized to interpolated vertex texture coords. Replaced by output of TextCoord shader. --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
Color Color specified by color shader. RGB portion is used to specify color (and is not limited to range 0-1). Initialized to interpolated vertex color. Replaced by output of Color shader. --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
Normal Normalized normal of the surface for given pixel. Normal vector is expected to be in world space. Initialized with denormalized interpolated vertex normal. Replaced by output of Normal shader. --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
Tangent Normalized tangent of the surface for given pixel. Tangent vector is expected to be in world space. Initialized with denormalized interpolated vertex tangent. Replaced by output of Normal shader. --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
Alpha Transparency specified for given pixel. Value should be specified in range 0…1 (full transparency … fully opaque). Initialized to 1. Replaced by output of Alpha shader. --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
LightDir Normalized light direction vector for given pixel. Light vector is expected to be in world space. Note that this is vector pointing from surface to the light. Initialized in the Vertex light shader. Replaced by output of Light shader. --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
LightDist Distance of the current point to the light. Initialized in the Vertex light shader. Replaced by output of Light shader. --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
LightColor Light color for given pixel. Replaced by output of Light shader. --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
TangentToWorld Transformation matrix from tangent space to world space for vectors. --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
WorldToObject Transformation matrix from world space to object space --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
ObjectToWorld Transformation matrix from object space to world space. Note that this is inverse matrix to WorldToObject. --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEInputBitmap version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Bitmap Input bitmap --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
SamplerBrick Bitmap brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Sampler2D Data object OUTPUT,
oBitmap Output bitmap --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Usage The usage specification for the parameter --- string INPUT,
MinFilter Minification filter (Point, Linear, Anisotropic) --- string INPUT,
MagFilter Magnification filter (Point, Linear, Anisotropic) --- string INPUT,
MipFilter Mipmapping filter (Point, Linear, Anisotropic) --- string INPUT,
U_AddressMode U Addressing mode (Wrap, Mirror, Clamp, Border, MirrorOnce) --- string INPUT,
V_AddressMode V Addressing mode (Wrap, Mirror, Clamp, Border, MirrorOnce) --- string INPUT,
Border color Border color --- Color Data object INPUT,
MaxAnisotropy Maximum anisotropy level --- uint INPUT,
MipMapLODBias Mip map LOD Bias --- real INPUT,
MaxMipLevel Maximum mipmap level --- uint INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEInputBitmap1D version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Bitmap Input bitmap --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
Sampler1DBrick Bitmap brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Sampler1D Data object OUTPUT,
oBitmap Output bitmap --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Usage The usage specification for the parameter --- string INPUT,
MinFilter Minification filter (Point, Linear, Anisotropic) --- string INPUT,
MagFilter Magnification filter (Point, Linear, Anisotropic) --- string INPUT,
MipFilter Mipmapping filter (Point, Linear, Anisotropic) --- string INPUT,
U_AddressMode U Addressing mode (Wrap, Mirror, Clamp, Border, MirrorOnce) --- string INPUT,
Border color Border color --- Color Data object INPUT,
MaxAnisotropy Maximum anisotropy level --- uint INPUT,
MipMapLODBias Mip map LOD Bias --- real INPUT,
MaxMipLevel Maximum mipmap level --- uint INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEInputColor version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Color Input color --- Color Data object INPUT,
ColorBrick Color brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
oColor Output color --- Color Data object OUTPUT,
Usage The usage specification for the parameter --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEInputFloat version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Float Input float --- real INPUT,
FloatBrick Float brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
oFloat Output float --- real OUTPUT,
Usage The usage specification for the parameter --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEInputMatrix version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Matrix Input matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
MatrixBrick Matrix brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
oMatrix Output matrix --- Matrix Float Data object OUTPUT,
Usage The usage specification for the parameter --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEInputPoint version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Point Input point --- Point Data object INPUT,
PointBrick Point brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
oPoint Output point --- Point Data object OUTPUT,
Usage The usage specification for the parameter --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEFunctionBrick version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
PrivateShaderData PrivateShaderData --- ME Shader Brick Method Def Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MECustomBrick version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
_scriptData Internal Script data --- Script Object Definition Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEColorShader version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Color_shader Color shader --- ME Shader Color Data object OUTPUT,
Color Input color brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEAlphaShader version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Alpha_shader Alpha shader --- ME Shader Alpha Data object OUTPUT,
Alpha Input alpha brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MELightShader version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Light_shader Light shader --- ME Shader Light Data object OUTPUT,
LightVector Input light vector brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
LightColor Input light color brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
LightDistance Input light distance brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEVertexLightShader version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
VertexLight_shader Vertex Light shader --- ME Shader LightVS Data object OUTPUT,
LightVector Input light vector brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
LightColor Input light color brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
LightDistance Input light distance brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEModelShader version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Model_shader Model shader --- ME Shader Model Data object OUTPUT,
Color Input color brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MENormalShader version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Normel_shader Normal shader --- ME Shader Normal Data object OUTPUT,
Normal Input normal brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Tangent Input tangent brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
METexCoordShader version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
TexCoord_shader TexCoord shader --- ME Shader Tex Coord Data object OUTPUT,
TexCoord Input texture coordinate brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEMaterial version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Material Output material --- ME Material Data object OUTPUT,
AlphaShader Alpha shader --- ME Shader Alpha Data object INPUT,
ColorShader Color shader --- ME Shader Color Data object INPUT,
ModelShader Model shader --- ME Shader Model Data object INPUT,
NormalShader Normal shader --- ME Shader Normal Data object INPUT,
TexcoordShader Texcoord shader --- ME Shader Tex Coord Data object INPUT,
Opaque True if shader is completely opaque --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
MEShadowMap version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ShadowSamplerBrick Shadow texture brick --- ME Shader Brick Static Sampler2D Data object OUTPUT,
LightMatrix Spotlight matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
LightPosition Light Position --- Point Data object INPUT,
Map_size Shadow map size --- uint INPUT,
ProjectiveShadow If shadow matrix specifies the perspective transform --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DLightProperties version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
LightAttributes LightAttributes --- D3D Light Properties Data object OUTPUT,
LightShader LightShader --- ME Shader Light Data object INPUT,
VertexLightShader VertexLightShader --- ME Shader LightVS Data object INPUT,
BoundingVolume BoundingVolume --- Bounding Volume Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DTexture version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
TextureFile Filename of the texture --- string INPUT,
D3DTexture Handle to the created texture --- D3D Texture2D Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DTextureRT version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
RenderTarget Render target --- D3D Render Target Data object OUTPUT,
D3DTexture Rendered image --- D3D Texture2D Data object OUTPUT,
Width Width --- uint INPUT,
Height Height --- uint INPUT,
ColorChannelPrecision Precision of the color channel --- uint INPUT,
AlphaChannelPrecision Precision of the alpha channel --- uint INPUT,
UseDepthBuffer Use depth buffer --- boolean INPUT,
DepthPrecision Depth buffer precision --- uint INPUT,
StencilPrecision Stencil buffer precision --- uint INPUT,
UseFloatColor Use floating point color buffer --- boolean INPUT,
UseSignedColor Use signed numbers color buffer --- boolean INPUT,
UseFloatDepthBuffer Use floating point depth buffer --- boolean INPUT,
BackgroundColor Color of the background --- uint INPUT,
LayerIn Input layer --- D3D Layer Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DTexToBitmap version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
D3DTexture D3D Texture --- D3D Texture2D Data object INPUT,
Bitmap Bitmap --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DBitmapToTex version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
D3DTexture D3D Texture --- D3D Texture2D Data object OUTPUT,
Bitmap Bitmap --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DObjectPreview version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Object Full name of the object --- string INPUT,
Bitmap Bitmap --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Width Width of the image --- uint INPUT,
Height Height of the image --- uint INPUT,
SuperSampling Amount of super sampling --- uint INPUT,
Background color Color of the background --- Color Data object INPUT,
Stamp Invalidate this connector before requesting bitmap --- uint INPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DCamera version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
D3DCAM_Type Type of camera - perspective or orthogonal --- string INPUT,
D3DCAM_FOV Field of view --- real INPUT,
D3DCAM_AspectRatio Aspect ratio --- real INPUT,
D3DCAM_Clipping_near Near clipping plane --- real INPUT,
D3DCAM_Clipping_far Far clipping plane --- real INPUT,
D3DCAM_Focus Focus distance --- real INPUT,
D3DCAM_D3DCamera D3DCamera --- D3D Camera Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3DMaterialFromME version 1.0
Deprecated object - only for content compatibility purposes (Michal Valient)
Names Description Default Type Flags
D3DMaterial Material handle --- D3D Material Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
MEMaterial Material editor material --- ME Material Data object INPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 07/04/2005
D3D Material Editor version 1.0
D3d Material editor. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input material Input material --- Material Chunk Data object INPUT,
Material preview --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Inspect Pick material to open in material editor --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Paint face Paint faces with current material --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Repaint Repaint picked material with current on whole object --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Paint object Repaint all materials on picked object with current one --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 22/10/2007
ImportBitmap version 1.0
Node used to import bitmap from external location. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
FileName Input filename --- string INPUT,
Bitmap Output bitmap --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 05/10/2003
ImportSound version 1.0
Object used to import a sound from external location. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
FileName Sound file --- string INPUT,
Sound Sound data object --- Sound Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 10/17/2005
Collada exporter version 1.0
Collada file format exporter settings panel. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Split hierarchies Split hierarchies so that all nodes are in scene root (except joints) --- boolean INPUT,
Normals Export normals --- boolean INPUT,
Uv1 Export UV coordinates set 1 --- boolean INPUT,
Uv2 Export UV coordinates set 2 --- boolean INPUT,
Vertex colors Export vertex colors --- boolean INPUT,
Skeletons Export skeletons --- boolean INPUT,
Stretchy bones Add additional joints to support animated bone stretching --- boolean INPUT,
Animations Export animations --- boolean INPUT,
Start time Animations export start time --- real INPUT,
Stop time Animation export end time --- real INPUT,
Desired framerate Animation export desired framerate --- real INPUT,
Cameras Export cameras --- boolean INPUT,
Lights Export lights --- boolean INPUT,
Geometry Export geometry --- boolean INPUT,
Polygon mode Polygon exporting mode --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Copy textures Export textures together with geometry --- boolean INPUT,
Texture maps file type File type for texture maps --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Normal maps file type File type for normal/bump maps --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 01/06/2007
X file exporter version 1.0
X file format exporter settings panel. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Split hierarchies Split hierarchies so that all nodes are in scene root (except joints) --- boolean INPUT,
Normals Export normals --- boolean INPUT,
Uv1 Export UV coordinates set 1 --- boolean INPUT,
Uv2 Export UV coordinates set 2 --- boolean INPUT,
X file format Output X file format --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Skeletons Export skeletons --- boolean INPUT,
Stretchy bones Add additional joints to support animated bone stretching --- boolean INPUT,
Animations Export animations --- boolean INPUT,
Start frame Animations export start frame --- real INPUT,
Stop frame Animation export end frame --- real INPUT,
Frame rate Animation export desired framerate --- real INPUT,
Geometry Export geometry --- boolean INPUT,
Polygon mode Polygon exporting mode --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Copy textures Export textures together with geometry --- boolean INPUT,
Texture maps file type File type for texture maps --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Normal maps file type File type for normal/bump maps --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 27/05/2008
VE-X exporter version 1.0
Virtual Earth X file based exporter settings (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Split hierarchies Split hierarchies so that all nodes are in scene root (except joints) --- boolean INPUT,
Normals Export normals --- boolean INPUT,
Uv1 Export UV coordinates set 1 --- boolean INPUT,
Uv2 Export UV coordinates set 2 --- boolean INPUT,
X file format Output X file format --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Skeletons Export skeletons --- boolean INPUT,
Stretchy bones Add additional joints to support animated bone stretching --- boolean INPUT,
Animations Export animations --- boolean INPUT,
Start frame Animations export start frame --- real INPUT,
Stop frame Animation export end frame --- real INPUT,
Frame rate Animation export desired framerate --- real INPUT,
Geometry Export geometry --- boolean INPUT,
Polygon mode Polygon exporting mode --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Copy textures Export textures together with geometry --- boolean INPUT,
Texture maps file type File type for texture maps --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Normal maps file type File type for normal/bump maps --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Longitude Specify exported object(s) longitude --- real INPUT,
Latitude Specify exported object(s) latitude --- real INPUT,
LongOrient Set FALSE for East-West orientation and TRUE for West-East --- boolean INPUT,
LatOrient Set FALSE for North-South orientation and TRUE for South-North --- boolean INPUT,
Elevation Specify exported object(s) elevation --- real INPUT,
Scale Specify exported object(s) scale --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 06/09/2008
BVH Import version 1.0
Bvh Import Settings (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Encapsulation Level Encapsulation Level --- int INPUT,
Last modified: 11/05/2008
Mouse Listener version 1.0
The object can read current mouse coordinates, mouse buttons state, mouse coordinates transformed to the scene coordinates etc (Peter Malcovsky)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Mouse X Raw mouse X coordinate --- uint OUTPUT,
Mouse Y Raw mouse Y coordinate --- uint OUTPUT,
Mouse Buttons Mouse buttons state (virtual keys) --- uint OUTPUT,
Scene X Mouse intersection with scene ground --- real OUTPUT, CUSTOM,
Scene Y Mouse intersection with scene ground --- real OUTPUT, CUSTOM,
View Width Width of the view window under cursor --- uint OUTPUT, CUSTOM,
View Height Height of the current view window under cursor --- uint OUTPUT, CUSTOM,
Last modified: 01.09.2005
Desktop preferences con version 1.0
Outputs value of desktop preferences panel connector. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Name Desktop preferences connector name --- string INPUT,
Value Specified desktop preferences connector value --- int OUTPUT,
Last modified: 20/01/2006
Primitive tool version 1.0
Primitive creation tool. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Snapping group Snapping group --- string INPUT,
Perpendicular Perpendicular movement toggle --- boolean INPUT,
Snap Force snapping even if within nosnap range --- boolean INPUT,
Highlite Tool preview mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT,
Matrix Tool preview matrix --- Matrix Float Data object OUTPUT,
Tool state Tool state --- Primitive factory state data object INPUT,
Cursor Cursor to display when tool is active --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
Material Tool preview material --- Material List Data object OUTPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 04/09/2006
Primitive tool preferences version 1.0
Primitive creation tool. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Nosnap radius Radius or region around active corner where no snapping is performed. --- real INPUT,
Preserve dimensions Preserve object dimensions --- boolean INPUT,
Base plane Base plane for coordinates calculation --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 13/09/2006
Matrix manager preferences version 1.0
Matrix primitive manager preferences panel. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Mode Defines mode for primitive matrix manager. --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 14/09/2006
Spherical manager preferences version 1.0
Spherical manager preferences panel. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Mode Define mode for spherical objects manager. --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 14/09/2006
Lights factory preferences version 1.0
Lights factory preferences panel. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Mode Define mode for object creation. --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 21/09/2006
Desktop preferences version 1.0
Modeling preferences settings panel. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Dynapick Enable/Disable dynapick for select --- boolean INPUT,
Undo/Redo Specifies length of undo/redo stack --- real INPUT,
Camera undo Enable/Disable undo/redo for camera navigation --- boolean INPUT,
Select color Selection preview highlight color --- Color Data object INPUT,
Select transparency Selection preview highlight transparency. --- real INPUT,
Outline select Outline mode for selected objects. --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Selected color Selection highlight color --- Color Data object INPUT,
Selected transparency Selection highlight transparency. --- real INPUT,
Prompt for Save Enable/Disable scene has changed warning dialogs --- boolean INPUT,
Selection Choose Selection Type --- string INPUT,
BridgeSync Enable/disable scene synchronization --- string INPUT,
BridgeRate Limit for bridge refresh rate --- real INPUT,
BridgeLoop Animation support for Modeler --- boolean INPUT,
SyncMethod Choose synchronization method --- string INPUT,
NetSounds Shared Space notification sounds --- boolean INPUT,
NetReconnect Automatically try reconnect to Shared Space --- boolean INPUT,
AllToolbars Display all toolbars --- boolean INPUT,
_Widgets_Select_Default object navigation widget Default navigation widget visibility --- boolean INPUT,
_Widgets_Edit_Point edit widget Point edit widget visibility --- boolean INPUT,
_Widgets_Tools_ViewWidget View widget visibility --- boolean INPUT,
_Widgets_Select_Spot light widget Spot light widget visibility --- boolean INPUT,
_Widgets_Select_Camera Camera widget visibility --- boolean INPUT,
_Widgets_Select_Bone Bone envelope weight widget visibility --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 09/08/2005
Optical Detector Node version 1.0
Object scan whole scene and looking for near objects. If a color is specified on input connectors, it know find object that much this color. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Active Detector activation --- boolean INPUT,
ColRed Red color intensity --- int INPUT,
ColGreen Green color intensity --- int INPUT,
ColBlue Blue color intensity --- int INPUT,
ColRange Difference color range --- int INPUT,
DistRange Activation distance from detector --- real INPUT,
UpdFreq Update frequency in ms --- uint INPUT,
MonSpace Monitored space, if empty, the whole Space is enumerated --- string INPUT,
DetectorMatrix Detector's position matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
ColOutput Detector's color output --- int OUTPUT,
DistOutput Detector's distance output --- int OUTPUT,
Last modified: 04/20/2005
Object factory preferences version 1.0
Simple object factory preferences panel. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Mode Define mode for object creation. --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 18/09/2006
Enter Shared Space Command version 1.0
Scene widget controller. Activates widget only if it is not obscured by scene geometry. (Gesture node connects actions and activation condition with widget controller. If mouse cursor is above widget shape, widget controller sends mouse messages to gesture node. Node checks, if activation condition is true (defined through InputFilter). If yes, gesture initializes connected tools and activates them. Gesture can activate two types of actions - Activities, they are executed in button-like style (activated on button release), and Widget tools, activated in tool style)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ConntrolIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 04/09/2005
Sound player activity version 1.0
Sound player activity object. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Control In TransitionIn --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Control Out TransitionOut --- uint OUTPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Sound Sound data object --- Sound Data object INPUT,
PlayInLoop Play sound in loop while another sound is not set --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 10/25/2006
SoundPlayer version 1.0
Sound Player object (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Sound The sound source --- Sound Data object INPUT,
ObjPosition Position of the object in 3D space. Necessary only for 3D sound --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
3DSound Set to TRUE if you want the sound behave as 3D --- boolean INPUT,
Play Set to TRUE if you want to play the sound --- boolean INPUT,
PlayInLoop Set to TRUE if you want the sound play in infinity loop --- boolean INPUT,
Volume Set the playback volume. The volume range is from 0.0 to 1.0 --- real INPUT,
Pan Set the playback pan. The pan range is from -1.0 to 1.0 --- real INPUT,
MinDist Set the minimum distance for 3D sound. --- real INPUT,
MaxDist Set the maximum distance for 3D sound. --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 01/24/2008
LWFShaderInput version 1.0
Lightworks based, global shader rendering variables for SuperLightworks materials. Information on point being shaded, normal, texture coordinates,... (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Alpha Surface fractional coverage --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
Ci Input colour --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
Co Output colour --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
u Parameter space u-coordinate --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
v Parameter space v-coordinate --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
dPdu Parameter space derivative vector with respect to u --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
dPdv Parameter space derivative vector with respect to v --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
du Change in parameter space u-coordinate --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
dv Change in parameter space v-coordinate --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
E Camera eye (‘from’) point --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
I View direction vector of shading point --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
modI Length of I vector --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
N Surface shading normal --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
Ng Surface geometric normal --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
P Shading point in local coordinate system --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
Pw Shading point in world coordinate system --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
Ti Input transparency --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
unitI Unitary version of I vector --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWInputBitmap version 1.0
Input node for bitmaps for SuperLightworks materials. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Bitmap Input bitmap --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
Texture2DBrick Texture 2D brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Bitmap2D Data object OUTPUT,
oBitmap Output bitmap --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWInputBitmap3D version 1.0
Input node for 3D bitmaps for SuperLightworks materials. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Bitmap3D Input bitmap --- Volume Texture Data object INPUT,
Texture3DBrick Texture 2D brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Bitmap3D Data object OUTPUT,
oBitmap3D Output bitmap --- Volume Texture Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWInputBitmapCube version 1.0
Input node for cube bitmaps for SuperLightworks materials. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
BitmapCube Input bitmap cube --- Cube Texture Data object INPUT,
TextureCubeBrick Texture Cube brick --- LW Shader Brick Static BitmapCUBE Data object OUTPUT,
oBitmapCube Output bitmap cube --- Cube Texture Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWInputColor version 1.0
Input node for color value for SuperLightworks materials. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Color Input color --- Color Data object INPUT,
ColorBrick Color brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
oColor Output color --- Color Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWInputFloat version 1.0
Input node for float value for SuperLightworks materials. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Float Input float --- real INPUT,
FloatBrick Float brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
oFloat Output float --- real OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWInputMatrix version 1.0
Input node for transformation matrix value for SuperLightworks materials. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Matrix Input matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
MatrixBrick Matrix brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
oMatrix Output matrix --- Matrix Float Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWInputPoint version 1.0
Input node for 3D point value for SuperLightworks materials. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Point Input point --- Point Data object INPUT,
PointBrick Point brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object OUTPUT,
oPoint Output point --- Point Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWFunctionBrick version 1.0
General, function based, shader brick for SuperLightworks (SLW) materials. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
PrivateShaderData PrivateShaderData --- Script Object Definition Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWColorShader version 1.0
Representation of SuperLightworks (SLW) color shader in Workspace's scene graph. Contains the shader graph of SLW material shader. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Color_shader Color shader --- LW Shader Color Data object OUTPUT,
Co Input color brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWTransparencyShader version 1.0
Representation of SuperLightworks (SLW) transparency shader in Workspace's scene graph. Contains the shader graph of SLW material shader. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Transparency_shader Transparency shader --- LW Shader Alpha Data object OUTPUT,
Alpha Input alpha brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
To Input To brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWLightShader version 1.0
Representation of SuperLightworks (SLW) light shader in Workspace's scene graph. Contains the shader graph of SLW material shader. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Light_shader Light shader --- LW Shader Light Data object OUTPUT,
LightVector Input light vector brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
LightColor Input light color brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWReflectionShader version 1.0
Representation of SuperLightworks (SLW) reflectance shader in Workspace's scene graph. Contains the shader graph of SLW material shader. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Reflection_shader Reflection shader --- LW Shader Model Data object OUTPUT,
Co Input color brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
alpha Input color brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Ti Input color brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
To Input color brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWDisplacementShader version 1.0
Representation of SuperLightworks (SLW) displacement shader in Workspace's scene graph. Contains the shader graph of SLW material shader. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Displacement_shader Displacement shader --- LW Shader Normal Data object OUTPUT,
N Input normal brick --- LW Shader Brick Static Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWCustomBrick version 1.0
Custom, script based, shader brick for SuperLightworks (SLW) materials. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
_scriptData Internal Script data --- Script Object Definition Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LW Material Editor version 1.0
Encapsulator to hold SuperLightworks (SLW) material representing the active material in Modeler's Material editor. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Sync rate Maximum rate of synchronization (how many times per sec. will be the space updated). --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
LWMaterial version 1.0
Representation of Lightworks (Modeler) material in Workspace's scene graph. Contains 4 attributes for color, transparency, reflectance and displacement shader types. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
LW Material Output material --- LW Material Data object OUTPUT,
TransparentShader Transparent shader --- LW Shader Alpha Data object INPUT,
ColorShader Color shader --- LW Shader Color Data object INPUT,
ReflectanceShader Reflectance shader --- LW Shader Model Data object INPUT,
DisplacementShader Displacement shader --- LW Shader Normal Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
PureLWColorShader version 1.0
Representation of simple (single shader - not SLW) color Lightworks shader in Workspace's scene graph. Contains shader name, shader type and list of parameters with their values. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
LWColor_shader Pure Color shader --- Pure LW Shader Data object OUTPUT,
Name Shader name --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
PureLWTransparencyShader version 1.0
Representation of simple (single shader - not SLW) transparency Lightworks shader in Workspace's scene graph. Contains shader name, shader type and list of parameters with their values. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
LWTransparency_shader Pure Transparency shader --- Pure LW Shader Data object OUTPUT,
Name Shader name --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
PureLWModelShader version 1.0
Representation of simple (single shader - not SLW) reflectance Lightworks shader in Workspace's scene graph. Contains shader name, shader type and list of parameters with their values. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
LWReflection_shader Pure Reflection shader --- Pure LW Shader Data object OUTPUT,
Name Shader name --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
PureLWDisplacementShader version 1.0
Representation of simple (single shader - not SLW) displacement Lightworks shader in Workspace's scene graph. Contains shader name, shader type and list of parameters with their values. (Marek Zimanyi, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
LWDisplacement_shader Pure Displacement shader --- Pure LW Shader Data object OUTPUT,
Name Shader name --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 07/06/2005
TSScene version 1.0
Object represents Modeler's scene. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Mirror Space Set encapsulator which will be synchronized with tS's Scene --- string INPUT,
Sync rate Maximum rate of synchronization (how many times per sec. will be the space updated). --- real INPUT,
Scene sync Scene synchronization switch. --- int INPUT,
Sync Method Scene synchronization method. --- int INPUT,
Half loop Rosetta animation support for Modeler. --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 07/11/2005
tSBridgeAppx version 1.0
Internal object used for connectors change detection. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
TransMatrixCol Registered all objects with output transformation matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
D3DMatCol Registered all objects with D3DMaterial output connectors --- D3D Material Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
MatListCol Registered all objects with MatList output connectors --- Material List Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
MeshCol Registered all objects with mesh output connectors --- Mesh Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
CameraCol Registered all objects with camera output connectors --- Camera Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
ShdAlphaCol Registered all objects with Alpha Shader output connectors --- LW Shader Alpha Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
ShdColorCol Registered all objects with Color Shader output connectors --- LW Shader Color Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
ShdModelCol Registered all objects with Model Shader output connectors --- LW Shader Model Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
ShdNormalCol Registered all objects with Normal Shader output connectors --- LW Shader Normal Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
ObjPhActAttrsCol Registered all objects with object physical attributes --- Phys Object Attributes Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
ObjPhEnvAttrsCol Registered all objects with object physical attributes --- Phys Env Attributes Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
ObjPhGrpAttrsCol Registered all objects with object physical group attributes --- Phys Object Attributes Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
SpaceAttrsCol Registered all objects with object physical space attributes --- Phys Env Attributes Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
LightCol Registered all objects with light output connectors --- Camera Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
RenderCol Registered all objects with render attributes output connectors --- Render Attributes Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
WindAttrsCol Registered all objects with object physical wind attributes --- Phys Env Attributes Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
ArrayObjCol Registered all objects with array obj info output connectors --- Array Object Info Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
LayersCol Registered all objects with layers info output connectors --- Layers Info Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
AxesCol Registered all objects with axes output connectors --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
RenderOptionsCol Registered all objects with photo render options attributes --- Ts Photo Render Options Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
CurveCol Registered all objects with Curve output connectors --- Mesh Data object INPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 10/20/2004
TSKeyFrame version 1.0
Object mirroring Modeler's current animation frame. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ActiveFrame Current trueSpace active frame --- real OUTPUT,
Last modified: 11/06/2004
tSMainWnd version 1.0
Represents main trueSpace window. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Last modified: 07/12/2005
tSFakeWnd version 1.0
Represents encapsulator for trueSpace window. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Last modified: 08/11/2005
PhotoRender version 1.0
Object represents Modeler's global rendering options. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Rendering Engine Select rendering engine --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Quality Rendering Quality --- string INPUT,
Method Rendering Method --- string INPUT,
SuperSampling SuperSampling Type --- string INPUT,
Ray Trace Enable Ray Tracing --- boolean INPUT,
Triangulate Triangulate --- boolean INPUT,
Multithread Enable Multithreading --- boolean INPUT,
SingleSide Enable Single-sided Rendering --- boolean INPUT,
Foreground Foreground Effects Shader --- string INPUT,
Background Background Effects Shader --- string INPUT,
Tone Mapping Enable Tone Mapping --- boolean INPUT,
Lens Flares Enable Lens Flares --- boolean INPUT,
Depth of Field Enable Depth of Field --- boolean INPUT,
FFAA Enable Feature Following AntiAliasing --- boolean INPUT,
Background Color Background Color --- Color Data object INPUT,
Background Image Background Image --- string INPUT,
Raytrace min contrib Minimum contribution of rays --- real INPUT,
Raytrace max depth Maximum ray depth --- int INPUT,
Raytrace limit Limit value for rays --- real INPUT,
Out Out connector --- Ts Photo Render Options Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 10/12/2005
NURB shape version 1.0
Non-editable NURBS shape (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input Mesh Input Mesh for Shape --- Mesh Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
ts stream ts stream --- tS obj stream object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 10/17/2005
SDS shape version 1.0
Non-editatble ts SDS shape (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input Mesh Input Mesh for Shape --- Mesh Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
ts stream ts stream --- tS obj stream object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 10/17/2005
Metaball shape version 1.0
Non-editable ts metaballs shape (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input Mesh Input Mesh for Shape --- Mesh Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
ts stream ts stream --- tS obj stream object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 10/17/2005
OParticle shape version 1.0
Non-editable ts OParticle shape. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input Mesh Input Mesh for Shape --- Mesh Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
ts stream ts stream --- tS obj stream object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 10/17/2005
Net Client Node version 1.0
Represents client that could be connected to a Server node. Numbers of clients is not limited. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Port Network communication Port number --- uint INPUT,
ServerAddr Server address --- string INPUT,
SharedSpace String ID of the local Shared Space --- string INPUT,
Name Client Name --- string INPUT,
Password Client Password --- Cripted Net Info Data object INPUT,
SyncRate Synchronization rate (num.of updates per second) --- real INPUT,
Cmprs Compression level (-1..9) --- int INPUT,
Active Client activation --- boolean INPUT,
Status Client's status --- Net Client Status Data object OUTPUT,
LoggedIn Connected participants --- Net Clients List Data object OUTPUT,
ClntsStat Status of all logged clients --- Net Clients Update Info object OUTPUT,
ClntsVoIPStat VoIP statistic of logged clients --- Net Clients VoIP Update Info object OUTPUT,
VoIPStat VoIP Status --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN,
Chat Chat --- Net Chat Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 01/25/2005
NetView version 1.0
Node represents Network View. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
NetName Network Node Name --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 04/20/2005
NetModeratorView version 1.0
Node represents Network Moderator View. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
NetName Network Node Name --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 10/24/2007
Shared space settings version 1.0
Used to store settings for network links. Data from this object are used by Network Link Widget. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SName Session name --- string INPUT,
Address Network URL or IP address --- string INPUT,
Port Communication port --- uint INPUT,
Refresh rate Refresh rate --- real INPUT,
Shared space settings Shared space settings --- Shared Space Settings Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 02/01/2005
PrivilegesPanel version 1.0
Representation of privileges panel in layout. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Last modified: 02/01/2005
Net Client Authorize Node version 1.0
Authorize Login object. Its purpose is to connect desired server, check enter authorization and if successful, execute the reconnect command. After this is the object self-destroyed (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Last modified: 10/20/2005
NetProperties version 1.0
Network properties. Through this object you can set some global network settings. (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
NotifySounds Enable or disable sounds for all clients' nodes --- boolean INPUT,
AutoReconnect Enable or disable autoreconnect for all clients' nodes after a ctx file load --- boolean INPUT,
DefServer Default server address --- string INPUT,
DefServerPort Default server's port --- uint INPUT,
Management port Management port --- uint INPUT,
ContentUrl Content provider URL --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 02/09/2006
NetServerView version 1.0
Node represents Network Server View (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Last modified: 10/24/2007
Content client version 1.0
Content client (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Content server Content server --- string INPUT,
Content port Content port --- uint INPUT,
Last modified: 05/20/2008
Widgets version 1.0
This is widget subsystem node. If Active checkbox is checked, widget subsystem starts to wait for selection changes and activates/deactivates widgets from inside of encapsulator. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Active Widget subsystem active --- boolean INPUT,
Cache size Number of items to cache. Zero disables caching --- uint INPUT,
Last modified: 07/05/2005
Widget version 1.0
The widget node is encapsulator for widget prototype. Help string and icon are used for Swap widget menu for tooltips and for better widget identification. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Help string Help string --- string INPUT,
Icon Icon --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Active Widget version 1.0
Active widget is activated counterpart of widget. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Viewport --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object OUTPUT, HIDDEN,
Params --- Widget Parameters Data object OUTPUT, HIDDEN,
Input --- User Input States Data object OUTPUT, HIDDEN,
Controlled objects Controlled objects paths --- string INPUT, EXPORTED,
Invalidation Invalidation --- object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Widget aspect version 1.0
The widget Aspect is used to specify the widget aspect within the widget. The Coordinate system input connector specifies the default coordinate system to be used with nodes if no coordinate system is specified by linking connectors to coordinate system nodes. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Help string Help string --- string INPUT,
Icon Icon --- Bitmap Data object INPUT,
Aspect name Name of the widget aspect --- string INPUT,
Aspect Aspect name output --- string OUTPUT,
All contexts Check to make widget visible in all contexts. Uncheck to use context rules to evaluate widget visibility --- boolean INPUT,
Coordinate system Default coordinate system for widget --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Cachable Check to cache widget aspect --- boolean INPUT,
Widget components Widget components to activate with this aspect --- Widget Component Parameters Data object INPUT,
In front Render in front of geometry --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Sequence version 1.0
Action sequence designed primarily for dynapick widgets (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
First First action, button style. --- uint OUTPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Second Second action, continuous style. --- uint OUTPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Enabled Enable execution of first action. If disabled, action sequence is ignored. --- int INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Continuous Sequence version 1.0
Continous widget command sequence helper. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
First First action, button style. --- uint OUTPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Second Second action, continuous style. --- uint OUTPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 30/08/2007
Active widget controller version 1.0
Active widget controller manages all actions related to base widgets, which includes: widget action activation and deactivation, undo - redo operation grouping, transformation of coordinate systems, base widget state handling and transformation matrices evaluation. Active widget controller communicates directly with D3D view window through Base widget connector. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
DockingPosition Docking position --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
WidgetVisualization Widget visualization --- Widget Visualization Data object INPUT,
ShowInactive Set true, to show gesture also for inactive base widgets --- boolean INPUT,
Look at camera Transform widget so, that camera is in first octant --- boolean INPUT,
Active True, it base widget is active --- boolean OUTPUT,
Gestures Gestures assigned to control surface --- Widget Action Data object INPUT,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Base widget Basewidget output --- Base Widget Interface object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Scene widget controller version 1.0
Scene widget controller. Activates widget only if it is not obscured by scene geometry. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Docking Position Docking position --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
Visualization Widget visualization controller output --- Widget Visualization Data object INPUT,
Look at camera Swap widget axes so, that camera is in first octant --- boolean INPUT,
Gestures Gestures assigned to control surface --- Widget Action Data object INPUT,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Base widget Basewidget output --- Base Widget Interface object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 03/11/2005
Static widget controller version 1.0
Static widget controller is intended to simplify definition of widget parts without actions. This node therefore does not contain Gestures input and visibility is determined directly from its Visible input connector. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
DockingPosition Docking position --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
WidgetVisualization Widget visualization --- Widget Visualization Data object INPUT,
Look at camera Transform widget so, that camera is in first octant --- boolean INPUT,
Visible Set to make static base widget visible --- boolean INPUT,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Base widget Basewidget output --- Base Widget Interface object OUTPUT,
Widget activation parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Background widget controller version 1.0
Background widget controller handles management of background base widgets. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
DockingPosition Docking position --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
Active True, it base widget is active --- boolean OUTPUT,
Gestures Gestures assigned to control surface --- Widget Action Data object INPUT,
Orientation Coordinate system modifier --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
Priority Tool priority --- uint INPUT,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Base widget Basewidget output --- Base Widget Interface object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Preferences coordinate system version 1.0
Coordinate system with mode defined by preferences panel. Can be used to specify coordinate system for widget. Widget size will obey perspective rules. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Coordinate system Coordinate system determined by preferences settings --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 22/01/2005
Persp. comp. preferences cs version 1.0
Coordinate system with mode defined by preferences panel. Can be used to specify coordinate system for widget. Coordinate system also compensates for perspective scaling. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Coordinate system Coordinate system determined by preferences settings --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 20/01/2005
Coordinate system version 1.0
The Coordinate systems are used to evaluate the coordinate system in which widget operates. There are three coordinate systems supported by this node: Local, Screen, World, accessed through appropriate connectors. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Local coordinates Local coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
World coordinates World coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
Screen coordinates Screen coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Perspective compensated coordinate system version 1.0
Coordinate systems are used to specify coordinate system for widget operations. This one scales coordinate system so, that the widget will have the same on-screen size. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Local coordinates Local coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
World coordinates World coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
Screen coordinates Screen coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Camera type version 1.0
Camera type switch. Node can be used to create different widgets for orthogonal and projective cameras. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
DockingPosition Input docking position --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
Ortho camera Docking position for orthogonal cameras --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Perspective camera Docking position for perspective cameras --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 19/08/2005
Camera active version 1.0
Camera active status switch. Use this node to create different widgets for local / non-local camera; local means that control set anchor equals current view. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
DockingPosition Input docking position --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
Local Docking position for case when view camera equals anchor --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Nonlocal Docking position for case when view camera does not equal anchor --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 21/09/2005
Rectangle zoom version 1.0
Rectangle zoom to area (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
MinX Rect min x --- real OUTPUT,
MinY Rect min y --- real OUTPUT,
MaxX Rect max x --- real OUTPUT,
MaxY Rect max y --- real OUTPUT,
Active Active --- boolean OUTPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 04/05/2006
Screen uniform coordinate system version 1.0
Coordinate system that computes 3D position of 2D screen point. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Coordinate system coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Screen docking version 1.0
Screen docking node evaluates world space position that will be transformed to specified sceen space coordinates. This node is intended to evaluate positions for view specific widgets like View widget or sprites or 3D sprite menu. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Docking position Docking position --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
X position Relative screen position; X direction --- real INPUT,
Y position Relative screen position; Y direction --- real INPUT,
Z distance Z distance from screen --- real INPUT,
Offset X Offset in X direction --- real INPUT,
Offset Y Offset in Y direction --- real INPUT,
Always visible Show widget with default values --- string INPUT,
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 02/07/2004
Bounding box docking version 1.0
Node evaluates various positions on bounding box of active nodes. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Left down corner Left-downmost visible bounding box corner --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Nearest corner Nearest bounding box corner --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Nearest silhouette corner Nearest silhouette bounding box corner --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
BBox center Bounding box center --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 10/10/2004
Anchor bounding box docking version 1.0
Node evaluates anchor's (first node in selection) bounding box docking positions. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Left down corner Left-downmost visible bounding box corner --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Nearest corner Nearest bounding box corner --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Nearest silhouette corner Nearest silhouette bounding box corner --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
BBox center Bounding box center --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 05/07/2004
Offset docking version 1.0
Computes offset position from center of active nodes according to desired mode. Mode 0 - Displacement is evaluated in coordinate system, Mode 1 - Displacement is evaluated in World space, Mode 2 - Displacement is evaluated in Screen space (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Docking position Docking position --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Mode Mode ID --- uint INPUT,
Offset X Offset in X direction --- real INPUT,
Offset Y Offset in Y direction --- real INPUT,
Offset Z Offset in Z direction --- real INPUT,
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 02/08/2004
World origin docking version 1.0
World origin (0,0,0) docking position. Use this docking position to set widget position to world center (for example when using generated widget meshes) (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
World center World center docking position --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Avg. origin docking version 1.0
Docking position computed as average of pivot positions. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Avg. center Averaged origins of controlled nodes --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 10/09/2004
Selection center docking version 1.0
Selection center docking position. This is simplified version of selection bbox docking, where only selection center is evaluated. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Selection center Selection center docking position --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 10/09/2004
Selection bounding box docking version 1.0
Node evaluates various positions on bbox of current selection. Each docking position can be used to specify widget base position. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Left down corner Left-downmost visible bounding box corner --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Nearest corner Nearest bounding box corner --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Nearest silhouette corner Nearest silhouette bounding box corner --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
BBox center Bounding box center --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 12/09/2004
Bounding rectangle docking version 1.0
Node evaluates various positions on view dependant bounding rectangle. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Top left Top left corner of 2D object rectangle --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Top right Top right corner of 2D object rectangle --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Bottom left Bottom left corner of 2D object rectangle --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Bottom right Bottom right corner of 2D object rectangle --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 10/07/2004
Anchor origin docking version 1.0
Anchor (first node in selection) origin docking position. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Anchor origin Anchor origin docking position --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 20/06/2004
Anchor coordinates version 1.0
Anchor coordinate system (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Coordinates Anchor coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 14/12/2006
Visualization controller version 1.0
Visualization controller selects widget mesh according to its three states. Widget can be in this states: Active - mesh caused tool activation, Operating - widget is in active state and performing some actions and Default - all other states. Controller also provides cursor distance output, which ranges from 0 to 1 (0 is when mouse floats above mesh, 1 is when mouse cursor is more than 100 pixels away from mesh). Note, than if you don't specify OnOperating or OnActive mesh, base widget will hide. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
OnDefaultMesh On default mesh --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
OnDefaultMatrix On default transform --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
OnDefaultMaterial On default material --- object INPUT,
OnDefaultAttr On default render attributes --- Render Attributes Data object INPUT,
OnOperatingMesh On operating mesh --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
OnOperatingMatrix On operating transform --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
OnOperatingMaterial On operating material --- object INPUT,
OnOperatingAttr On operating render attributes --- Render Attributes Data object INPUT,
OnActiveMesh On active mesh --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
OnActiveMatrix On active transformation --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
OnActiveMaterial On active material --- object INPUT,
OnActiveAttr On active render attributes --- Render Attributes Data object INPUT,
Cursor distance Estimated on-screen distance from active shape to mouse cursor --- real OUTPUT,
Widget visualization Widget visualization --- Widget Visualization Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Simple visualization controller version 1.0
Functionality of this node is similar to Visualization controller, but it provides only one mesh, matrix, attributes and material input. It was designed for optimization purposes. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Mesh Shape input --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
Matrix Euler transform input --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
Material Material --- object INPUT,
Attributes Render attributes --- Render Attributes Data object INPUT,
Cursor distance Estimated on-screen distance from active shape to mouse cursor --- real OUTPUT,
Widget visualization Widget visualization --- Widget Visualization Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Gesture version 1.0
Gesture node connects actions and activation condition with widget controller. If mouse cursor is above widget shape, widget controller sends mouse messages to gesture node. Node checks, if activation condition is true (defined through InputFilter). If yes, gesture initializes connected tools and activates them. Gesture can activate two types of actions - Activities, they are executed in button-like style (activated on button release), and Widget tools, activated in tool style (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
InputFilter Input filters --- boolean INPUT,
ControlOut Control activation --- uint OUTPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Gesture Gesture output --- Widget Action Data object OUTPUT,
Active Gesture active --- boolean OUTPUT,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Synchronize widget with selection version 1.0
Widget node that synchronizes widget internal list of objects with current selection. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Update eye camera version 1.0
Widget node that synchronizes widget internal list of objects with active view eye camera. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Automatic activation node version 1.0
For automatically activated widgets, the Automatic activation node is used to scan the widget and object for which the widget is being searched and evaluate the match weight of the widget and the actions it contains. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Activation condition Widget activation condition --- boolean INPUT,
Initial aspect Initial aspect --- string INPUT,
Evaluate match weight Evaluate activation match weight --- boolean INPUT,
Widget weight bias Weight to bias widget --- real INPUT,
Widget activation request Widget activation request --- Widget Activation Request Data object INPUT,
Widget match information Widget<->Node match information --- Widget Activation Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Input connector sensor version 1.0
Input connector sensor node is used for scanning connectors of nodes for connector presence. List of nodes is provided by widget subsystem through Widget activation request, connectors are specified by linking them to Connectors connector. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget activation request Widget activation request --- Widget Activation Request Data object INPUT,
Present Connector present --- boolean OUTPUT,
¬Present Connector not present --- boolean OUTPUT,
Connectors Connectors to check for presence --- object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Output connector sensor version 1.0
Output connector sensor node is used for scanning connectors of nodes for connector presence. List of nodes is provided by widget subsystem through Widget activation request, connectors are specified by linking them to Connectors connector. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget activation request Widget activation request --- Widget Activation Request Data object INPUT,
Present Connector present --- boolean OUTPUT,
¬Present Connector not present --- boolean OUTPUT,
Connectors Connectors to check for presence --- object INPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
n-ary and version 1.0
Perform boolean AND of all connectors connected to input. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Operands Values to AND --- boolean INPUT,
Output Output of n-ary And --- boolean OUTPUT,
¬Output Negated output of n-ary And --- boolean OUTPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
n-ary or version 1.0
Perform boolean OR of all connectors connected to input. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Operands Values to OR --- boolean INPUT,
Output Output of n-ary Or --- boolean OUTPUT,
¬Output Negated output of n-ary Or --- boolean OUTPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
n-ary xor version 1.0
Perform boolean XOR of all connectors connected to input. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Operands Values to OR --- boolean INPUT,
Output Output of n-ary Or --- boolean OUTPUT,
¬Output Negated output of n-ary Or --- boolean OUTPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Axes swap version 1.0
Widgets operate on the same coordinate system, which is used to transform widget shape to world space. Sometimes it is required to alter this default behavior - for example trueSpace default behavior for movement is LClick moves in XY, RClick moves in Z. This operation is however accessed through one surface. This node can be used to reorder and swap coordinate system axes. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
ControlOut Control out --- uint OUTPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Swap Swap axis if checked --- boolean INPUT,
X axis ID 1 = x, 2 = y, 3 = z --- int INPUT,
Y axis ID 1 = x, 2 = y, 3 = z --- int INPUT,
Z axis ID 1 = x, 2 = y, 3 = z --- int INPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Axes rotate version 1.0
Axes rotation provides similar, but more general functionality as Axes Swap. By this node, you are able to transform operation coordinate system by a matrix. The matrix can be inversed before multiplication. Multiplication is performed only if Enable is true (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
ControlOut Control out --- uint OUTPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Enable Transform axis if checked --- boolean INPUT,
Inverse Use inversed transform matrix --- boolean INPUT,
Matrix Transformation matrix to apply on widget coord system --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Axes Z align version 1.0
Align coordinate system Z axis with world coordinate Z axis. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
ControlOut Control out --- uint OUTPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Enable Transform axes if checked --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Coord system replace version 1.0
Replace operations coordinate system. This node allows to tweak widget nodes to detect movements in one coordinate system and perform actions in the other. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
ControlOut Control out --- uint OUTPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Enable Replace coordinate system if checked --- boolean INPUT,
Coordinate system New coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Docking Position New docking position --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
Look at camera Transform widget so, that camera is in first octant --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Rotate action version 1.0
Rotate action performs rotation of controlled objects around Center. Rotation is performed around widget Z axis. Angle of rotation is evaluated in widget XY space. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Center Center of rotation --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Snapping group Snapping group --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Linear rotate action version 1.0
Linear rotate action performs rotation of controlled objects around Center. Rotation is performed around X and Y axes, angle is computed from mouse step and projection of widget X axis to screen. Rotation around X or Y axis can be disabled or enabled by EnableX and EnableY inputs. Rotation speed can be controlled by Speed input. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Center Center of rotation --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
EnableX Enable rotation around X axisX --- boolean INPUT,
EnableY Enable rotation around Y axisX --- boolean INPUT,
Speed Mouse delta to angle speed --- real INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Wheel sensitivity Wheel sensitivity --- real INPUT,
Alignment Enable orientation swapping --- boolean INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Snapping group Snapping group --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Linear world rotate version 1.0
Linear world rotate performs similar action as Linear rotate, but instead of rotation in widget space it always performs rotation in world coordinate space. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Center Center of rotation --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
EnableX Enable rotation around X axisX --- boolean INPUT,
EnableY Enable rotation around Y axisX --- boolean INPUT,
Speed Mouse delta to angle speed --- real INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Move action version 1.0
Move action performs movement of controlled objects. Movement step is computed from widget local coordinate system so, that moved object tracks cursor. If movement along both coordinate axes is enabled, widget XY plane is taken. If only one axis is enabled, the second one is selected to make movements most precise. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
EnableX Enable moving along X coordinate --- boolean INPUT,
EnableY Enable moving along Y coordinate --- boolean INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Linear move action version 1.0
Widget node that is used to change position of controlled objects transform matrices. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
EnableX Enable movement along X axisX --- boolean INPUT,
EnableY Enable movement along Y axisX --- boolean INPUT,
SpeedX Mouse delta to movement step, X direction --- real INPUT,
SpeedY Mouse delta to movement step, Y direction --- real INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Wheel sensitivity Wheel sensitivity --- real INPUT,
Snapping group Snapping group --- string INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Widget move action version 1.0
Widget move moves widget from its original position. Movement is performed in widget shape XY space, where movement along X and Y axes can be enabled or disabled by EnableX and EnableY inputs. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
EnableX Enable moving along X coordinate --- boolean INPUT,
EnableY Enable moving along Y coordinate --- boolean INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Screen docking move version 1.0
Screen docking move changes relative position of widget on the screen docking, therefore this node can be only used with screen docking node. Action is linked to docking node by Docking position input. Movement can be enabled or disabled for X and Y axes. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
EnableX Enable moving in X direction --- boolean INPUT,
EnableY Enable moving in Y direction --- boolean INPUT,
Docking position Docking position of a Screen docking node --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Linear scale action version 1.0
Scale action performs scaling of controlled objects around Center in XY widget shape coordinate space. Scaling can be enabled or disabled for each axis. Scaling coefficients can be computed relative to center of scaling, or they can be evaluated from direction of widget coordinate system. Uniform scaling scales along all three axes with equal coefficient. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
EnableX Enable moving along X coordinate --- boolean INPUT,
EnableY Enable moving along Y coordinate --- boolean INPUT,
Center Center of scaling --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
Uniform Scale all axes with the same factor --- boolean INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Precision Higher precision means smaller scaling step --- real INPUT,
Wheel sensitivity Wheel sensitivity --- real INPUT,
Snapping group Snapping group --- string INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Linear slider version 1.0
Linear slider provides controlling of all floating point inputs that request limited real linear range of input values. Slider range is defined by RangeHi and RangeLo inputs. Controlled connector is defined by example with connecting Connector to node with requested connector. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
RangeLo Slider range Lo --- real INPUT,
RangeHi Slider range Hi --- real INPUT,
Connector Controlled connector --- real OUTPUT,
Value Current slider value --- real OUTPUT,
SliderPosLo Slider Lo position --- real INPUT,
SliderPosHi Slider Hi position --- real INPUT,
SliderObjMatrix Slider object matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Simple slider version 1.0
Simple slider provides controlling of all floating point inputs that request limited real linear range of input values. Slider range is defined by RangeHi and RangeLo inputs. Controlled connector is defined by example with connecting Connector to node with requested connector. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
RangeLo Slider range Lo --- real INPUT,
RangeHi Slider range Hi --- real INPUT,
Connector Controlled connector --- real OUTPUT,
Wheel sensitivity Wheel sensitivity --- real INPUT,
Value Current slider value --- real OUTPUT,
Speed Slider values change speed --- real INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Wheel slider version 1.0
Slider controller preferably used with wheel gestures. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Min Connector MIN value --- real INPUT,
Max Connector MAX value --- real INPUT,
Wheel sensitivity Wheel sensitivity --- real INPUT,
X sensitivity Mouse X speed --- real INPUT,
Y sensitivity Mouse Y speed --- real INPUT,
Connector Float connector to update --- string INPUT,
Node Node name --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 09/02/2007
Toggle list value version 1.0
On activation, change list value to next item. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Connector Connector to update --- string INPUT,
Node Node to update --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 15/02/2007
Ctrl state version 1.0
State of Ctrl key (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Alt state version 1.0
State of Alt key (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Keyboard button state version 1.0
Keyboard button state node. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Key name Key name --- string INPUT,
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 14/08/2006
Mouse LClick version 1.0
Left mouse button click state (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Mouse MClick version 1.0
Middle mouse button click state (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Mouse RClick version 1.0
Right mouse button click state (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Mouse LDblClick version 1.0
Left mouse button doubleclick state (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Mouse MDblClick version 1.0
Middle mouse button doubleclick state (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Mouse RDblClick version 1.0
Right mouse button doubleclick state (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Mouse LDrag version 1.0
Left mouse button drag state (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Mouse MDrag version 1.0
Middle mouse button drag state (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Mouse RDrag version 1.0
Right mouse button drag state (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Left mouse button state version 1.0
Left mouse button state. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 13/09/2006
Middle mouse button state version 1.0
Middle mouse button state. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 13/09/2006
Right mouse button state version 1.0
Right mouse button state. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 13/09/2006
Mouse Wheel version 1.0
Mouse wheel state (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Shift State version 1.0
State of Shift key (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input state Input state --- User Input States Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
KeyfilterOut Key control flow out --- boolean OUTPUT, DISABLECACHING,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Widget shortcut version 1.0
Widget shortcut node - allows to assing shortcuts for widget. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Key Key --- string INPUT,
Command Command to execute --- string INPUT,
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 17/03/2006
One from four select version 1.0
Transforms input states to output; output states are exclusive. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
KeyfilterIn Key control flow in --- boolean INPUT,
None Key control flow out, true if both inputs false --- boolean OUTPUT,
A Key control flow out, A output --- boolean OUTPUT,
B Key control flow out, B output --- boolean OUTPUT,
A+B Key control flow out, A+B output --- boolean OUTPUT,
A input A selector input --- boolean INPUT,
B input B selector input --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
One from three select version 1.0
Transforms input states to output; output states are exclusive. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
A Key control flow out, A output --- boolean OUTPUT,
B Key control flow out, B output --- boolean OUTPUT,
A+B Key control flow out, A+B output --- boolean OUTPUT,
A input A selector input --- boolean INPUT,
B input B selector input --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 07/08/2004
Open settings panel version 1.0
Open panel of current widget. You can specify aspect and thus create various setting panells for widget. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Panel aspect Panel aspect to open --- int INPUT,
Panel path Relative path to panel --- string INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 05/09/2005
Hide object widget version 1.0
Widget component that hides object when widget is activated for it. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 16/10/2005
Object hider version 1.0
Object hide helper for widget object hide function (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Invisible Invisible --- boolean OUTPUT,
Hide command Hide/show widget command --- int INPUT,
Last modified: 17/10/2005
Highlite evaluator version 1.0
Helper node that evaluates color according to widget - cursor distance nad input colors. It is intended to compute highlight colors. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Distance Distance --- real INPUT,
Far distance --- real INPUT,
Fallof --- real INPUT,
Active color --- Color Data object INPUT,
Active transparency --- real INPUT,
Far color --- Color Data object INPUT,
Far transparency --- real INPUT,
Near color --- Color Data object INPUT,
Near transparency --- real INPUT,
Output color --- Color Data object OUTPUT,
Output transparency --- real OUTPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Camera Walk version 1.0
Camera walk starts moving controlled object in its Z direction with constant speed defined by Walk speed. It uses mouse X and Y coordinates to perform rotation around local X axis (looking Up and Down) and global Y axis (looking left and right). (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Rotate around X speed Mouse delta to angle delta coefficient for rotation around camera X axis --- real INPUT,
Rotate around Y speed Mouse delta to angle delta coefficient for rotation around camera Y axis --- real INPUT,
Walk speed Walk speed in m/s --- real INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Camera look around version 1.0
Camera look around uses mouse X and Y coordinates to perform rotation around local X axis (looking Up and Down) and global Y axis (looking left and right). Rotation speed can be defined by appropriate speed inputs. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Rotate around X speed Mouse delta to angle delta coefficient for rotation around camera X axis --- real INPUT,
Center Center of rotation --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
Rotate around Y speed Mouse delta to angle delta coefficient for rotation around camera Y axis --- real INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Camera navigate version 1.0
Camera navigate uses mouse X coordinate to rotate controlled objects around global Y axis and Y coordinate to perform movement in local Z axis. Rotation and Movement speed can be defined by speeds input. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Movement speed Mouse delta to walk speed --- real INPUT,
Rotate speed Mouse delta to rotate speed --- real INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Camera FOV version 1.0
Camera FOV modifies field of view for projective cameras and zoom factor for orthogonal views. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Fov change speed Mouse delta to angle delta coefficient for rotation around camera X axis --- real INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Wheel sensitivity Wheel sensitivity --- real INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Camera roll version 1.0
Camera Roll rotates eye camera around axis formed by Center input and camera position. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Rotation speed Mouse delta to angle delta coefficient for rotation --- real INPUT,
Center Center of rotation --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Widget toolbar version 1.0
Enables adding toolbars to widgets. When widget gets activated, node creates toolbar defined by prototype. If widget is deactivated, toolbar will be closed. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Toolbar prototype Toolbar prototype from which --- string INPUT,
Remember state Hide toolbar instead of destroying --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Open Panel View Command version 1.0
Widget button style node (command) that opens panel for each selected object after activation. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ConntrolIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Aspect Aspect of panel view to open --- uint INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 04/09/2005
Simple Script Command version 1.0
Widget button style node(command) that executes specified simple script after activation. It supports undo by providing script command also for undo action. If undo script is not provided, command history is deleted. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ConntrolIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Command Command to execute --- string INPUT,
Undo command Undo command --- string INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 04/09/2005
Activate User Widget Command version 1.0
Command activates user widget specified by search path. If widget path contains encapsulator, it performs searching of most suitable widget for specified selection. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ConntrolIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Widget Widget to activate / or set of widgets to select from --- string INPUT,
Group Group ID to activate widget to --- string INPUT,
Aspect Widget aspect to open. If empty and widget points to group, default aspect is selected --- string INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 04/09/2005
Change Aspect Popup Command version 1.0
Change aspect command displays change aspect menu acquired from widget aspect definition. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ConntrolIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Close Widget Command version 1.0
Widget button style node (command). After activation, it deactivates current widget. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ConntrolIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Last modified: 04/09/2005
3D Toolbar identification version 1.0
3D toolbar manager (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Guid Toolbar GUID --- string INPUT,
Initial X Initial X position for buttons --- real INPUT,
Initial Y Initial Y position for buttons --- real INPUT,
Button size X Button size in X direction --- real INPUT,
Button size Y Button size in Y direction --- real INPUT,
Columns Maximal number of columns befor starting new row --- int INPUT,
X dimension Toolbar X dimension --- real OUTPUT,
Y dimension Toolbar Y dimension --- real OUTPUT,
Toolbar Id Toolbar identification --- 3D Toolbar Identification Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
3D Button version 1.0
3D toolbar button (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Button visible --- boolean INPUT,
Button index --- uint INPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Selection BSphere version 1.0
Compute bounding sphere of widget's anchor node. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Position X Bounding sphere center x position. --- real OUTPUT,
Position Y Bounding sphere center y position. --- real OUTPUT,
Position Z Bounding sphere center z position. --- real OUTPUT,
Radius Bounding sphere radius. --- real OUTPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Selection BBox version 1.0
Evaluate various corners of selection bounding box as docking position. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Position X Bounding box center x position. --- real OUTPUT,
Position Y Bounding box center y position. --- real OUTPUT,
Position Z Bounding box center z position. --- real OUTPUT,
Halfsize X Bounding box x half extents. --- real OUTPUT,
Halfsize Y Bounding box y half extents. --- real OUTPUT,
Halfsize Z Bounding box z half extents. --- real OUTPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Select object version 1.0
Select object Command raycasts scene and selects nearest object under mouse cursor. According to select/deselect connectors, object is either added, removed or toggled from global selection. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Enable highlight Enable highlight during picking --- boolean INPUT,
ConntrolIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Select Add obj to selection --- boolean INPUT,
Deselect Remove obj from selection --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Toggle selected object version 1.0
Toggle raycasted object in active selection. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Drag And Drop version 1.0
Allows Drag&Drop objects (Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Last modified: 20/02/2007
Linear move constrained action version 1.0
Move object and constrain movement with collision detection if enabled. (Anton Mateasik, Caligari corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
EnableX Enable movement along X axisX --- boolean INPUT,
EnableY Enable movement along Y axisX --- boolean INPUT,
SpeedX Mouse delta to movement step, X direction --- real INPUT,
SpeedY Mouse delta to movement step, Y direction --- real INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
EnableColl Enable collision --- boolean INPUT,
Undoable Enable undo/redo for this tool --- boolean INPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Denormalized coordinate system version 1.0
Denormalized coordinate system allowing objects scaling (Marek Kovac)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Local coordinates Local coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
World coordinates World coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
Screen coordinates Screen coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 25/01/2006
Input value sensor version 1.0
Input value sensor node used for scanning value of specifiec connector (Marek Kovac)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget activation request Widget activation request --- Widget Activation Request Data object INPUT,
Equals Value equals --- boolean OUTPUT,
¬Equals Value not equals --- boolean OUTPUT,
Value Connector value --- object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 03/02/2006
Anchor custom box docking version 1.0
Evaluates docking box at anchor node with specific fixed dimensions (Marek Kovac)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Anchor origin Anchor origin --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Left down corner Left-downmost visible bounding box corner --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Upper right corner Rightmost upper corner visible --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Nearest corner Nearest bounding box corner --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Nearest silhouette corner Nearest silhouette bounding box corner --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
BBox center Bounding box center --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
X dimension X dimension --- real INPUT,
Y dimension Y dimension --- real INPUT,
Z dimension Z dimension --- real INPUT,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Corner X0Y0Z0 Corner X0Y0Z0 --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Corner X1Y0Z0 Corner X1Y0Z0 --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Corner X0Y1Z0 Corner X0Y1Z0 --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Corner X1Y1Z0 Corner X1Y1Z0 --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Corner X0Y0Z1 Corner X0Y0Z1 --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Corner X1Y0Z1 Corner X1Y0Z1 --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Corner X0Y1Z1 Corner X0Y1Z1 --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Corner X1Y1Z1 Corner X1Y1Z1 --- Widget 3D Docking Position Data object OUTPUT,
Last modified: 21/02/2006
Scale compensator version 1.0
(Marek Kovac)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Compensate X Compensate X --- boolean INPUT,
Compensate Y Compensate Y --- boolean INPUT,
Compensate Z Compensate Z --- boolean INPUT,
WldMatrix World matrix --- Matrix Float Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Matrix Object's input matrix --- Matrix Float Data object INPUT, CACHING,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 03/09/2006
Axis aligned CS version 1.0
Coordinate system which is kept aligned on axis but scale and position is calculated (Marek Kovac)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object OUTPUT,
Wrapped object Wrapped object --- string INPUT,
Last modified: 25/01/2006
Marker shape version 1.0
Snapper shape collects all snapping shapes generated by snapping tools. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 18/04/2006
Axis slider version 1.0
Axis slider provides control of two float parameters based on horizontal and vertical direction mouse dragging (Marek Kovac)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
XRangeLo X range Lo --- real INPUT,
XRangeHi X range Hi --- real INPUT,
YRangeLo Y range Lo --- real INPUT,
YRangeHi Y range Hi --- real INPUT,
XValue X value --- real OUTPUT,
YValue Y value --- real OUTPUT,
XSensitivity X sensitivity --- real INPUT,
YSensitivity Y sensitivity --- real INPUT,
MajorAxis Major axis only --- boolean INPUT,
X connector X connector --- string INPUT,
Y connector Y connector --- string INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 20/04/2007
Invert value version 1.0
Inverts value of specified connector (Marek Kovac)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Node name Node name --- string INPUT,
Connector Connector --- string INPUT,
Control in Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Last modified: 04/05/2007
Offline render area version 1.0
Photo render area widget node. (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
MinX Selection rect min x --- real OUTPUT,
MinY Selection rect min y --- real OUTPUT,
MaxX Selection rect max x --- real OUTPUT,
MaxY Selection rect max y --- real OUTPUT,
Active Active --- boolean OUTPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 11/01/2007
Control cage version 1.0
Control cage widget (Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp.)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Move Speed --- real INPUT,
Move wheel Mouse delta to movement step --- real INPUT,
Scale Speed --- real INPUT,
Scale wheel Mouse delta to scale step --- real INPUT,
Rotate Speed --- real INPUT,
Rotate wheel Mouse delta to angle step --- real INPUT,
Snapping group Snapping group --- string INPUT,
Material Material --- object INPUT,
Attributes Render attributes --- Render Attributes Data object INPUT,
Widget visualization Widget visualization --- Widget Visualization Data object OUTPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Coordinate system Coordinate system --- Widget Coordinate System Data object INPUT,
Last modified: 02/11/2006
Normalmap generator version 1.0
Normalmap generator node. Creates normal map from low res and high res meshes. Low resolution mesh needs to be unwrapped. (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
LoresInput Lo resolution input mesh --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
HiresInput High resolution input mesh --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
Tangent space Check, if you want to use tangent space normals. Uncheck means object space. --- boolean INPUT,
Normalmap resolution Normalmap texture edge length --- uint INPUT,
Precision Specifies square root of number of rays for pixel's geometry surround scanning --- uint INPUT,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Normal map Normal map for lo resolution mesh --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Height map Height map for lo resolution mesh --- Bitmap Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Status Normalmap generator status --- real OUTPUT,
Last modified: 05/09/2005
Mesh simplifier version 1.0
Mesh simplifier node. Creates simplified version of input mesh. (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input Input mesh --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
Simplification level Mesh simplification level in %, 100 means no simplification --- real INPUT,
Welding Mesh welding range in tenths of % --- real INPUT,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 05/09/2005
Mesh unwrapper version 1.0
Mesh unwrapper node. Automatically unwrap mesh to texture. Unwrap is stored in secondary texture coordinates mesh stream. (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
InputMesh Mesh to be unwrapped --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
Gap size Gap to allocate between unwrap patches --- real INPUT,
Unwrap Resolution Texture resolution --- uint INPUT,
Object scale Object units to texture scale --- real INPUT,
Reprojection Angle Maximal angle to apply projection --- real INPUT,
Coordinate set Coordinate set, which will be filled with unwrapped coordinates --- real INPUT,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 05/09/2004
t-junction remover version 1.0
T-Junction remover. Node removes T-junction topology errors (cracks) from mesh and corrects topology information. (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input Input mesh --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
Welding Mesh welding range (promile) --- real INPUT,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 05/09/2005
Mesh collapse version 1.0
Mesh collapse encapsulator. Node collects all meshes inside and collapse them into one. (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
SubObject Encapsulated objects --- uint OUTPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
Owner Owner of the Encapsulator --- uint INPUT, HIDDEN, CUSTOM,
ng --- object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Material List Material List --- Material List Data object OUTPUT, EXPORTED,
Last modified: 05/09/2005
Modeling preferences con version 1.0
Modeling preferences panel connector wrapper (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Name Modeling preferences connector name --- string INPUT,
Value Specified modeling preferences connector value --- string OUTPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Modeling preferences version 1.0
Modeling preferences panel (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Coordinate system Current coordinate system --- string INPUT,
Partial loops Enable opened face loops --- boolean INPUT,
Direction ambiguity Face loops direction ambiguity threshold --- real INPUT,
Loop smoothing Partial loop smoothness control --- real INPUT,
Max path deviation Maximal edgeloop deviation from leading direction --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 18/01/2006
Mesh editor version 1.0
Mesh editor activator/deactivator widget component. (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Widget component Widget component --- Widget Component Parameters Data object OUTPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 05/07/2005
Rect select version 1.0
Point editor rectangle selection widget component. (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Mode Selection mode. vertex,triangle edge,face edge,triangle,face,auto --- string INPUT,
Style Selection style. all, visible --- string INPUT,
Highlite Selection highlight mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT,
Connected Select elements connected with nearest element --- boolean INPUT,
MinX Selection rect min x --- real OUTPUT,
MinY Selection rect min y --- real OUTPUT,
MaxX Selection rect max x --- real OUTPUT,
MaxY Selection rect max y --- real OUTPUT,
Active Active --- boolean OUTPUT,
Select Add elements to selection --- boolean INPUT,
Deselect Remove elements from selection --- boolean INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 05/07/2005
Lasso select version 1.0
Point editor lasso selection widget component. (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Mode Selection mode. vertex,triangle edge,face edge,triangle,face,auto --- string INPUT,
Highlite Selection highlight mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT,
Style Selection style. all, visible --- string INPUT,
Connected Select elements connected with nearest element --- boolean INPUT,
Polygon Selection polygon --- Vertex Stream Data object OUTPUT,
Active Active --- boolean OUTPUT,
Select Add elements to selection --- boolean INPUT,
Deselect Remove elements from selection --- boolean INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 05/07/2005
SDS filter version 1.0
Subdivision surfaces generator. Core node for SDS mesh edit support. (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Input Mesh Input Mesh for Shape --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 05/09/2005
Mirror modeler version 1.0
Mirror modeler node. (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
Weld distance Mirror plane weld distance --- real INPUT,
Picked mirror plane Select mirror plane you want to modify from drop-down list --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Name Mirror plane name --- string INPUT,
Weld topology Enable topology welding after snapping to mirror plane --- boolean INPUT,
Offset Maximal snapping radius --- real INPUT,
Remove mirror faces Remove faces on mirror plane --- boolean INPUT,
Desaturation Selection colors desaturation --- real INPUT,
Settings Mirror modeler planes info --- Mirror modeler data object INPUT,
Input Mesh Input Mesh for Shape --- Mesh Data object INPUT,
Mesh Ouput Shape Mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT, CACHING,
Last modified: 17/08/2006
Sweep version 1.0
Sweep tool handler (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Highlight --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT,
Snapping group Snapping group --- string INPUT,
Group neighbors Sweep selected neighbors as one region --- boolean INPUT,
Align Enable alignment of sweep height to existing geometry --- boolean INPUT,
Nosnap radius No snapping screen distance --- real INPUT,
Segments Extrusion segments --- uint INPUT,
Style Selection style --- string INPUT,
Mode Selection mode --- string INPUT,
Average normals Average sweeping direction --- boolean INPUT,
Select Select --- boolean INPUT,
Deselect Deselect --- boolean INPUT,
Boolean mode Boolean update mode --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Offset Sweep offset --- real INPUT,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Last modified: 31/09/2006
Bevel tool version 1.0
Bevel tool. (Tomas Bujnak)
Names Description Default Type Flags
ControlIn Control in --- uint INPUT, CONTROLFLOW,
Widget parameters Hidden widget parameters --- Widget Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Active viewport Active viewport parameters --- Widget Viewport Parameters Data object INPUT, HIDDEN,
Highlight Selection highlight mesh --- Mesh Data object OUTPUT,
Mode Selection mode --- string INPUT,
Snapping group Snapping group --- string INPUT,
Quad mode Add edges between outer and inner polygon (form quads) --- boolean INPUT,
Bad color Color in case of overlapping edges --- Color Data object INPUT,
Allow bad geom Allow beveling even if the result will not be correct --- boolean INPUT,
Update selection Update selection after beveling --- boolean INPUT,
Offset Bevel offset or angle --- real INPUT,
Offset mode Bevel offset mode --- String Enum Data object INPUT,
Colinear threshold Colinear threshold --- real INPUT,
Last modified: 03/08/2006