After Effects
More info here
The UnOfficial patch can be found here: Unofficial Update 4
Fix for the unlook at script that is included in the unofficial updates, Unofficial Update 3 . It fixes the unlook at behavior for lights. For tS7.6 and tS7.61 and tS7.61Std
Unzip and load the script from the file menu and run it from the link editor. If the script is not loaded from the file menu then the change will be lost on the next reset to the default context.
Reverts the Unofficial Update 4 Unencapsulate to previous standard behavior which operates without deleting nodes.
Installs a button for baking keyframes. Is useful for converting animations controlled by command scripts to keyframes. Command script controlled animations don't render and this fixes the problem.
Right click the button to open the panel where the delay value can be set. Set it large enough so that any scripts have time to run before a key is set.
The main reason this script was created was because the constraint scripts give errors when you try to render the d3d view to a sequence while they are active.
Note: A version of this script is included in the Unofficial Update 3 .
Bevel command set with values for 45 degree application. Designed to be used on edge selections but works with vertex and face selections. More info coming soon.
Will create a camera based on the current 3D view.
It's based on the Eye2Cam script and is not dependent on the layout chosen.
Load into 3d view or link editor to auto install a button.
January 14, 2012: slight improvement in view selection
Note: A version of this script is included in the Unofficial Update 3 in the form of the Cube View widget button, "C".
Load this script and it will automatically add a cube shaped view widget. This widget follows color coding convention with (x,y,z) corresponding to (r,g,b) colors. Left click the button to toggle the widget on and off and right click to open the options panel. The original cube widget this is based on was created by Augusto Michelis.
The color gradients show the directions perpendicular to the face. Front is green indicating a positive Y direction. The red gradient points to the positive X direction and the blue gradient points to the positive Z direction. Back, Left and Bottom have de-saturated colors to indicate the negative directions on these axes.
Truespace navigation widgets flip directions depending on the viewing angle making it difficult to tell the positive from the negative directions. This add on solves that problem.
October 14, 2012:
Note: A version of this script is included in the Unofficial Update 3 .
Snaps and rotates one object to another based on triangle face selections.
persistent base install required
Clintons3dPlugin v.1638422 required
RMB to open the option panel to set the Copy Source if desired.
LMB will select 1 triangle/vertex
Ctrl + LMB will add to the selection
Shift + LMB will remove from the selection
Ctrl + Shift + LMB will toggle the selection
RMB to end the tool or commit to the current triangle face selection
To cancel deselect all and RMB
Widget uses triangle selections because they are readily available. Actual face selections would have to be caclulated manually using the edge visibility flags of the triangles.
BUGS: if select then return no selection will error, will run with no 3dview open
Snaps and rotates one object to another based on face selections.
October 17, 2012:
October 15, 2012:
October 1, 2012:
Update(v1.5): Right click to copy and move the source object. The copy will maintain the apparent selection so it is easier to copy several times without the need to reselect for every copy. The copy function was contributed by trueBlue. Old version can be downloaded here .
Alternate workflow:
Note: A version of this script is included in the Unofficial Update 3 .
Scripts to help fix bad geometry. Creates a selection based on mesh characteristics such as side count and planarity. These scripts were inspired by the Cleaning tools in Maya and the SDS corruption that can occur inside trueSpace.
Ctrl-Drag out of the panel tab for convenience.
Non-Manifold is good for finding polygons that come together in a T configuration and for finding internal faces. For internal faces convert the selection of edges to faces.
Lamina will find identical faces sharing the same vertices. Lamina uses a mesh stream called face edges. Face edges assumes that a edge is connected to only 2 polygons so Nonmanifold geometry must be removed before this will work.
Floating points will cause the FBX exporter to crash.
Concave will also select nonplanar geometry and faces next to nonmanifold geometry.
Zero length edges and zero area triangles selects the underlying triangulated mesh geometry but will appear as edges or a vertex.
The tolerance parameters are for controlling the sensitivity of the Non-Planar and Zero Length/Area selection buttons.
Fix Corrupt SDS strips out all extra mesh information and replaces the mesh with the stripped down version then it takes SDS down 10 levels and resets SDS.
Update August 2012:
Update, May 29 2012:
Note: A version of this script is included in the Unofficial Update 3 .
Deprecated: use Static Sweep Plus instead
Double Deprecated: use the new array based lathe tool below
Lathe tool for workspace. Recommend installation of the enhanced PE widgets .
The "start" button saves the current grid snap values and sets them to values based on the offset, number of segments and total angle. It next does a normal sweep on the selection with close to zero offset. Finally it starts the jscript recorder to save the rotation and translation applied to the selection by the user. The "done with rotate translate" button stops the recorder and restores the grid snap values. The "play with repeat" button does the rest of the lathe operation by normal sweep and repeating what was done by the user.
The zipped archive contains a tsx plugin for modelside and an install script for the workspace. Install both to use the layers panel.ed on face selections.
The installer makes a button that displays the control panel.
Push the update button to populate the panel. It's best to create
all the needed layers in modelside before using the layer panel.
The 3 dots shows the layer status - visible, locked and hidden.
The button next to the dots switches between hidden and visible.
The middle dot is just for show since workspace can't lock items.
Next is the color swatch of the layer. It's also just for show
since workspace doesn't seem to get wireframe color updates
from modelside. The "r" button changes the object render
attributes for all objects in the layer. It cycles from object mode
off, solid wire, transparent, transparent wireframe, wireframe and
finally back to object mode off.
The "sel" button selects all objects in the layer, "add"
adds the selected items to the layer and "x" clears the
layer by moving all the objects in the layer to layer 0.
The name field is to the right of the layer id. The layers can be
renamed by typing in the field and pushing the button to the right
of the name. The number to the right of the name is the number of
objects in the layer.
The slider determines the first layer that will show in the panel.
Eight layers are shown at one time.
If you have the
materials script
installed this script will use it. If they
are not installed you may want to put lightworks materials on everything,
otherwise they will turn black.
That's the good stuff. Now for the bad and buggy part.
It runs a little slow because it switches the main window to modelspace
when it runs the modelspace plugin then switches back to workspace.
Wireframe colors don't communicate through the bridge well.
If you change the color of a layer in modelspace, workspace won't
The lights and camera's layer index doesn't update properly
through the bridge. They only appear as layer 1 even if changed
in the modelside. They also tend to jump around to different layers
for no reason. This makes layer object counts inaccurate. I throw
all the cameras and lights into layer 1, move objects around in
the other layers and if the counts go off I put the cameras and
lights back into layer 1. Once everything stabilizes I leave that
layer alone and everything seems to work ok.
It generally works better with the bridge set to full on. Full on bridge also seems to solve the layers panel update when used with pre-existing scenes.
Load the file in to truespace to automatically install the scripts and button.
This version does not connect to modelside and is limited to 8 layers total, but is more stable than the previous version. Plans for the future are to have more layers and to have the option of transferring layer information to and from modelside.
The 3 radio buttons show the layer status - visible, locked and hidden. The middle dot will work with the unselectable script to lock items. Note that the unselectable script can interfere with other selection based scripts and should be deactivated when not being used.
Next is the color swatch of the layer for controlling the wireframe color.
The "r" button changes the object render attributes for all objects in the layer. It cycles from object mode off, solid wire, transparent, transparent wireframe, wireframe and finally back to object mode off.
The "sel" button selects all objects in the layer
The "add" button adds selected items to the layer
The "x" button clears the layer by moving all the objects in the layer to layer 0.
The second line has the layer id, name and number of items in the layer.
The enableLocking checkbox is used to turn the unselectable script on and off. Do not leave it on when not in use, because the script can interfere with other scripts that depend on selection control.
Use the refresh button after loading a scene that contains this layer panel. This gets the necessary data set up for the layers system.
Manual chapters for missing topics
index usage:
Copy the pdf files, the pdx file and the tsManIndex folder to the same location as the pdf manual.
Note: The missing chapters are included in the Unofficial Update 3 .
Installs a button for snapping the position of an object or vertex selection to another object or vertex selection. Pushing the button opens the panel. Ctrl drag the panel out of the panel view so it doesn't disappear when entering point edit(PE) mode.
Sep 30, 2012: Works when 2 items in PE mode
Jan 8, 2012: Automatic installer and respect axis locking option
Sep 5, 2011: Added 2 checkboxes for better workflow and for the ability to snap an object's pivot instead of the mesh. Fixed button highlighting.
Nov 11, 2010: version 3.1 automatically converts PE selections to vertices and back, cleaner trace, status line message. Version 3.0 did not read pivot meshe components properly. This new version automatically runs the flatten axes tool to transfer the pivot into the mesh.
Push the button to open the panel.
Ctrl-drag out of the panel view, so snapping panel remains active
in PE mode.
Select the destination location by selecting an object or vertices
and click the first button.
Select the start location by selecting another object or vertex
Exit PE mode to move the object or stay in PE move to move a vertex
selection and push the snap it button. The selection will
move from the start to the destination locations.
The average position of a vertex selection will be used when selecting more than one vertex.
When selecting an object the world matrix will be used as the location, unless the object has a pivot in which case the pivot location will be used.
Use the shape skeleton tool to select joints and to snap their locations.
Note: A version of this script is included in the Unofficial Update 3 .
Command node used to display a toolbar or windows contents in the link editor. Good for loading in new buttons. Push the Start Button and then change the aspect of a window or toolbar back and forth between 2D and 3D aspects. A link editor window will open to the frame containing the window/toolbar. This script reads the Rosetta.log file to detect the change in aspect.
Same function can be found in the Toolbar Manager script.
Will snap the position of the mesh's pivot to the center of the point edit selection.
Use with the updated PE widgets that have rotation about the pivot capabilities.
Note: A version of this script is included in the unofficial truespace patch : trueSpace Beta 7.61 Unofficial Update 2212010 21-Feb-2010 - Use "p" and click on the widget to set the pivot to the selection location.
This script is not needed if you have the Unofficial Patch 2212010 installed.
Installs replacements for the PE widgets in the Unofficial 7.61 patch 762009. They make it possible to do point edit rotations around the pivot of the object. Use left mouse to rotate normally and use right mouse to rotate about the pivot.
Do not use this with the latest unofficial patch update dated Feb-2010
Use with the PE Pivot Snap
Note: A version of this widget + PE Pivot Snap is included in the unofficial truespace patch : trueSpace Beta 7.61 Unofficial Update 2212010 21-Feb-2010.
This script is not needed if you have the Unofficial Patch 2212010 installed. This is for the older 762009 version of the patch and not for the 2212010 patch version or unpatched tS7.61
Button installer for a panel used to move the pivot of an object to the center of a point edit selection. Use the script to save a PE selection and then move the pivot to the same location as the previous selection.
Note: The Vertex Snap tool in the Unofficial Update 3 will perform this action.
Installs a replacement for the grid snapping panel. Only the point edit snapping radius was exported. This adds the default navigation snap radius for control over the amount of slipping between grid snap points while in object mode.
Note:Included in the Unofficial Update 3 .
Deprecated: use Static Sweep Plus instead
Static sweep is based on the Dynamic sweep tool except that it is not interactive. You select the faces or edges, push the button and they are swept by a tiny amount, too small to be seen. You then use the point edit widget to move the new swept geometry. It's good for edge selections that sweep in unpredictable ways or even cause truespace to crash.
Installs a button for toggling the visibility of objects in the scene.
Update: Version 1.5
works with multiple selections
limited support for encapsulated items
supports a custom Object Render Attr node with owner name displayed
does not toggle spotlights, cameras and projectors visibility -
it makes them invisible, to make them visible select them one by
one in the link editor or scene view
Update: fixed bug object render properties does not match the enable object properties node
Update: Version 1.2
uses the version of Object Render Attributes node with all standard
view aspects
checks for uninitialized visibility attribute - was cause script
to crash
new function - right-click opens/creates an Object
Render Attribute node and opens it in the Panel tab instead of the
Settings tab. This gives 2 advantages. Only one render
attribute node is open at one time and a 3d view doesn't have
to be the active window to see it.
Note: The same functionality of this script is included in the Unofficial Update 3 .
Installs a button for removing the Look At behaviour for an object.
Note: This functionality is included in the unofficial truespace patch : trueSpace Beta 7.61 Unofficial Update 2212010 21-Feb-2010
Installs a button to open the importer in the panel view. Truespace7.61 script for importing Unreal t3d map and brush files. Should be compatible with t3d files from ut2k3 and up to the latest UDK at this time. It imports lights, brushes, volumes and placeholders for kactors, static and skeletal meshes. It has a lights aspect panel for adjusting the attenuation values for all the lights in the scene.
Mesh Replacement controls are used to replace the imported placeholders with another mesh. Static meshes can be exported from the UDK in the FBX format. So you can take one of the static meshes in a level, zero out it's rotation and location values, set scale to 1 and export an fbx file. Load this into truespace using the FBX importer found on this page, add a pivot, normalize the pivot's location and then replace all placeholder instances with this mesh.
T3D maps have a lot of lights in them. The Lights aspect of the panel can be used to decrease the brightness of the lights to a reasonable value.
This script will alter the spot and projector lights in workspace to give the appearance of a hotspot.
Picture shows the default spot light in the upper left. All lights have the same angle with different hotspot settings.
Replaces the D3D Material Editor with one that includes buttons to open various material related libraries in floating windows. In most cases it's best to change the aspect of the libraries to 1D or 1+2D.
One way to build custom materials is to open the DX9 library and load the BlankDXMaterial, then use the one or more of the Shaders to replace the basic shaders of the BlankDXmaterial. For example replace the SolidColorShader with a TextureShader from the Color Shaders library. Advanced users could then use the default library buttons to access lower level material nodes.
January 8, 2012:
D3D Editor B older version - adds a second editor instead of replacing the original
Fixes problems with wireframe visibility in the perspective view. Installer creates a button in the toolbar that increase the near clipping plane value. The control value ranges from 1 to 10 and is indicated in the status line. If you use the Maya style navigation the speed changes with the near clipping plane distance. Small values make it slower and larger values make it faster.
truespace761std does not have a status line so open the Output Console to see the value set by this script.
February 2015 - Deprecated - use the View Control Scripts instead
November 30, 2012: automatic loader, unique button id, button index -1
Dec 6 2010, Version 1.5: Fixed to work with multiple 3D views and scene cameras.
Alternate link click this line
December 22, 2009: True fix available for windows 7. The link above goes to the instruction page on David Dolmans website. The plugin is available in the Downloads section of his site. At this time he is up to version 1.3 of his plugin. The old, out of date, not working nearly as well as David's plugin, script can still be downloaded here .
Installs a button for refreshing all floating link editor views.
The LE view is broken in windows 7. This script refreshes the view by shrinking down the size of the window then restoring it at regular intervals. This script only works with floating link editor windows.
Note: A Windows update has fixed the link editor display problem. No plugins or scripts are required.
A system for installing and reinstalling several scripts(not plugins) at one time.
Opens a 4 quadrant modeling toolbar at the mouse pointer location.
An improved version of the original zoom to selection widget.
This version will zoom to a single edge selection and to encapsulated(grouped) objects.
It has the same limitation as the original in that it does not work with multi object and encapsulated object point edit selections.
persistent base install required
This script comes pre-installed in the Unofficial trueSpace Updates -
January 14, 2018: widget install fix
December 28, 2017 - persistent install
February 13 2015: only zooms the active 3D window
November 30, 2012: automatic loader
January 2, 2012: Improved edge zooming
Adds 3 new object navigation widgets that include the cage widget. Drag into a 3d view or the link editor to automatically install it.
This script comes pre-installed in the Unofficial trueSpace Updates -
Restart truespace after the installation.
Requires: unofficial trueSpace 7.61 patch
included in the navigation and point edit widget updater dated September 2017
Jan 10, 2014 - compatible with auto-reinstaller script
Object navigation widget centered on the pivot.
Parenting and Unparenting button installer. Script adjusts the child object's matrix to maintain relative position and then connects the world matrix of the parent to the owner matrix of the child object.
persistent base install required
This script comes pre-installed in the Unofficial trueSpace Updates LE toolbar -
January 13, 2018 persistent install, more input checks
December 16 2012: unique button id, automatic installerMove a child object into a group and move child from group to the scene
snapping tools and it's dependencies are required
Obsolete, replaced by hierarchy tools
RClick to cancel before making a selection.
RClick on the center of the widget after selecting the group to cancel.
The glue panel is useful for objects that do not appear in the 3D view or for adding a child element deep inside a hierarchy.
Use to select toolbar nodes, save them to an internal store or a file library. Load from the store or library. Temporarily hide the toolbars to get them out of the way when switching to modelside. Easily save toolbars and transfer them to another layout.
Export all scripts under the selection to xml files. This is useful for searching all scripts. Visual Studio Code "find in files" works well to see and search all the scripts in one easy location.
All the scripts inside the selected node will export as xml files to an ExportedScripts folder in the tS directory.
The simple scripts will export to a text file with a "SimpleCommands_" prefix.
The folder structure will reflect the tS hierarchy.
Repeat names will be given a random postfix to differentiate the scripts.
ExportedScripts - export of all scripts found in the Unofficial Updates released on Dec 28 2021