toolbar button LMB open import panel floating, RMB open import panel in the stack
T3D Import:
- Scale - import scale applied, default 0.02 matches DeusEx maps
- Clear scene - empty items from the scene, required for first run of ue1/deus ex csg map
- Texture check - check for missing texture files for csg geometry(brushes) of type .png or .dds and list them in the Log view.
Press (esc) to end a long run.
Choose the T3D file below before running the check
- UE4 map - t3d file was exported from Unreal Engine version 4 or 5
- Brushes - import csg brush geometry
- Static mesh - imports placeholders for static meshes and interpActors in the form of cubes
- Skeletal mesh - imports placeholders
- Lights - include lights
- Cameras - include cameras
KActors - import placeholders for level kactors
- Mover brushes - import mover geometry
- Volumes - import special volume brushes
"..." - press button to choose the T3D file
- Preload Brush Materials - import material texture files before importing brush csg geometry
- Load Brushes - import csg geometry
- Build Brushes - apply boolean operations to the imported brushes, requires tS restart and repeat runs
- Copy Brush Materials - apply the preloaded materials to csg imported geometry brushes and movers
Import T3D - press to start the import of non-brush objects from the t3d file
T3D Export:
- Scale - export scale applied(100.0)
- export filename - nothing
Only export selected - check to export only the selected objects
Export T3D - press to save a UE4
compatible T3D map
note the time should be at frame zero or the start point
for any animations may be off
T3D Lights - set
the attenuation of all lights in the scene to prevent blowout levels of illumination.
- Constant -
- Linear -
- Quadratic -
- Threshold -
- Apply attenuation button -
T3D MarkMesh - assign
tags to identify static and skeletal meshes and terrains for the
T3D exporter, landscapes use the terrain tag
Package - package name for mesh in the
UDK object browser
Group - group name of the mesh in the UDK
object browser - test shows this value doesn't seem to
matter, only package name is needed for matching up assets.
For UE4 do use this to use preexisting meshes. for example
set group to Character on a
skeletal mesh named HeroTPP to end
up with a full name of
StaticMesh Name - name of the mesh
inside the Unreal object browser
Apply Static Tag - assign the staticmesh
name to the node
Skeletal Mesh Name - name of the mesh
inside the Unreal object browser
Apply Skeletal Tag - assign the skeletal
mesh name to the node
- MaxComponentSize - 4 typical value
NumPatchesX - set equal to num segments
Width from original plane
NumPatchesY - set equal to num segments
Height from original plane
Apply Terrain Tag - interprete as a terrain
on export
Particle System Name - name of the
particle system inside the Unreal browser
Apply Particle Tag - interprete as an
Unreal particle system
Load Default Unreal Material - loads the
light and dark gray checker texture into the material editor so it
can be assigned to csg geometry
tools for show, hide, materials and the fbx utilities panel
- Show Store Items - select the group or individual items found in the various stores: lights, brushes etc. and press to make them visible
- Hide Store Items - select the group or individual items found in the various stores: lights, brushes etc. and press to make them invisible
- Load Default Unreal Material - loads the
light and dark gray checker texture into the material editor so it
can be assigned to csg geometry
- Load World Space Material loads a world space
checker texture into the material editor so it
can be assigned to csg geometry
- Purple Transparent - convert DeusEx purple material to transparent
- Open T3D FBX Utilities(see below):
- MoveSpeed - make faster for larger scene navigation, slower for finer control
- RotateSpeed - adjust for a comfortable rotation speed
- Convert View Widget - changes the view widget walk control so it follows the Unreal Editor style of navigation
- RMB - look around from eye position,
- LMB - move with yaw is less sensitive to turning,
- LMB + RMB - move up and down ( tS just RMB )
- MMB (no change) - rotates around selection, or scene origin if nothing selected
This change will revert after a reset default context
- Skip Textures - do not load brush textures - enable preview without texture materials and may be required if no textures are in the level csg geometry
- Use Preferences Lights load lights from Preferences, this will give UU style lights otherwise simpler light structures are created to save resources.
- Collada Friendly Names - change all ", #"(comma space hash) to "_" so the names are more compatible with the enhanced collada exporter
- Max Memory - stop building brushes when max memory is reached, 1600 Mb default
- NTCore - if NTCore installed to tS exec, press to set max memory to 3000 Mb
T3D FBX Utilities
Infinite to Directional - convert imported infinite light to a directional light so shadows display
- StaticMesh and SkeletalMesh - color and tag options
- Process tags set smGroup, smPackage, smSkeletalMesh and smStaticMesh tags
- Replace color ue4 fbx imports as black, set color to make shapes readable
- Use Texture will replace the color with a world space gray checker texture
- smGroup, smPackage, smSkeletalMesh and smStaticMesh text for skeletal and static mesh tags -
smSkeletalMesh and smStaticMesh can be left blank for automatic naming based on the mesh
- Process StaticMeshes/Process SkeletalMeshes - changes color and tags for selected imported FBX meshes
- FBX source group group of fbx meshes used with t3d placeholders
- T3D destination group group of t3d mesh placeholders for the fbx meshes
- Copy FBX meshes copies each fbx mesh from the fbx source group to the location of the t3d files in the t3d group
- Rename Branch No Anim renames all the childen with a prefix "NoAnimation_" to prevent ue4 from reading the animation on that branch
- Rename Branch Yes Anim removes the "NoAnimation_" prefix from the names
A sample video on how to install an rsx plugin for truespace
can be found here.
The video is for installing the Indigo Renderer, but it uses the
same rsx plugin.
Installs a button to open the importer/exporter floating panel (LMb) or in the panel
view(RMB). This script comes in 2 parts. There is the script
itself and a rsx plugin for reading and writing the binary PSK and
PSA file formats. The script installs with the push of a button,
the plugin requires manual installation.
Some old installation and usage notes can be found at this
link. - used to view and extract assets from the Unreal packages.
- preload the texture materials
- import t3d map to truespace -
using fast boolean option(import in 1 hour instead of 10 hours)
- copy brush materials
- import lwo models to blender using custom script
- import lwo animation model frames to blender
- create morph targets for animation
- use to copy morphs into tS
- use script to export animation texture for custom vertex shader in game engine
2022 Version - for history record
Old version 2015 and earlier: supports ue3 T3D, PSK and PSA
t3d import to truespace from ue4/ue5
- export t3d scene from ue4 and import to tS, scale 0.01
- static mesh placeholders will be saved to the "t3dStaticMeshStore" 2D group
- export static meshes from the content browser as fbx without collision meshes.
if more than 1 is exported a folder structure matching the content browser will be created
- import fbx static meshes - "Add 180 Yaw Mesh" option checked, scale 0.01
- t3dfbx import export utility - set checkboxes
- process tags
- replaceColor - unless the static mesh has a plain color
- use texture - if static mesh has a texture assigned inside unreal
- select all static meshes and press "Process StaticMeshes"
- 2D encaps/group the fbx meshes
- set fbx source, set t3d destination(t3dStaticMeshStore) to their group nodes
- press "copy fbx meshes" button
- delete fbx encaps and delete t3d encaps
- final result is scene the matches the ue4 level
Utility Notes:
- use naming in ts to control animating parts in ue4 - skeletal mesh animation
- use only part of a skeletons animation in ue4 by renaming joints - does not work with root joint
- cameras and lights will not do full round trip between tS and ue4
Notes for preview release
new brush import process - for brush, movers and volumes
- preload materials
- load brushes
- build brushes(restart tS as needed)
- copy brush materials
all add and subtract brushes still exist in the scene after the build for possible repair functions later.
import t3d button is only for non-brush items now
Setup has new max memory inputs
during csg can stall - maybe temporary pause or totally stuck tS, so wait a bit to be sure, next run use cancel before problem and restart tS and try different precision values
maxmemory - scripts have memory leak so when reaching a limit it will stop.
1600 is good for a non-patched tS exe.
If the NTCore 4Gb patch is installed then 3000 is a good value.
After stopping, restart tS and continue the run by pressing Build Brushes button.
layers not used for brushes, are in 2d groups so maybe good enough
todo add memory usage graph for brush csg step. ? any way read total avail memory ?
todo collada friendly names for brushes needs to come later in the process - need original names to match for csg processing
all tests only on deus ex so far - need to check other ue formats
can (esc) during long csg, maybe escape before a crash section and adjust the precision value to get by it
t3d import speed improvement
DeusEx Hong Kong level about 51 minutes with autoit based bad csg
new approach 19 mins with 3 restarts included, better csg result
note proper csg plus autoit took way too long to process, might be fixable but no reason to pursue
? issue with the Construction history dialog, if not fully setup to not ask then booleans will run very slowly
October 20, 2024
- fix lights Use Preference Lights unchecked bug
- sort Texture Check result and auto open log view to see it
- load brushes, reestablish UE4 map boolean control
- volumes reintroduce wireframe colors display
- fix skip textures indexof missing bug, placed polyfill fix in load brushes
- add heal vertices and triangulate to end of build brushes - prevent fbx export failure and crashes
- connected ORA stack clear commands node to the build brush command node, was not working as a script call
- fix preferences dialog restore values
September 12, 2024 - preview release
- load on demand installer
- new script name, just "unreal import export" with updated logo
- boolean more stable, can pause but no longer freezes
- Flatten construction history dialog pre-processing
- kindof pre-release while code is cleaned and notes rewritten for no AutoIt method
July 21, 2024 - not yet published
- fix boolean bug - changed Add to Union, this makes the AutoIt method too slow to be practical, reason for slow down not known
- fixed post scale math - treat postscale as a vector and apply the inverse rotation matrix to it to get the final scale
- brush import in stages
- works with instanced brushes - only one found in one t3d file so far
- faster but less stable, the boolean node is very finicky - works great but sensitive to failures
- still much cleanup to do before publishing
June 9, 2024
- installer load on demand compatible - for the boolean widget
Year 2022 and earlier
- see unreal import export 2022 page