Collada plugin for After Effects

More info here
Plugins and Scripts > trueSpace > Import/Export

SVG for trueSpace7.61 (OLD Version) see below for update

Import SVG vector files from Inkscape as curves into trueSpace workspace and export as COB format for modelspace/trueSpace6.6 The code is based on the Nano SVG Parser project on github.

To install drag into the link editor. Remove after installation or it will run everytime truespace is started.

svg import  panel

SVG Import:

  • "...", Import SVG - press buttons to first choose then load an SVG file. Check options below to import as polygons instead of curves.
  • import ellipse as polygon - create polygon from the control vertices of the ellipse
  • import line as polygon - create triangle with only 1 edge visible
  • import path as polygon - create polygon from the control vertices of the curve
  • import rectangle as polygon - create rectangle with sharp or angled corners based on the control points
  • close curve with a line - add a line from the end to the beginning of closed curves - option is only valid with non-polygon import

COB Export:

  • only export selected curves - option: don't export a curve unless it is part of the selection. All curves in the scene will export when unchecked.
  • "...", Export COB - save in truespace modelside compatible format. Only curves will export.

Modelside SVG exporter plugin by "Fenerit" -

An updated version of this script can be found in the curves script collection. This version will also import cob files from modelside.


Files from Adobe Illustrator may have a "DTD" line that prevents the Microsoft XML parser/loader from working. To fix open the file in a text editor and remove the line:
DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">

  • The plugin package v.1638404 or higher (March 23, 2014 plugin file date) can be used for simplified export of the cob file. It includes a proper file-save dialog. here.
  • Does not support reflection type curves - type S or T
  • Does not support polygon
  • text is positioned but not scaled and font information is not read
  • Use Object to Path to convert text to curves. If incompatible curve types are generated also use the Path Simplify
  • Will not parse exponential style numbers
  • Any warnings will show in the Output Console(Log) view
  • Groups are not preserved when exporting to COB format
  • Workspace preview of curves with sharp coners may have random spikes. This is only a preview glitch.
  • Text height in trueSpace can be set to something like 5 times the size set in Inkscape.

Nov 21, 2015

  • added support for polyline
November 18, 2015

November 18, 2015