To install drag into the link editor. Remove after installation or it will run everytime truespace is started.
SVG Import:
"...", Import SVG - press buttons to first choose then load an SVG file. Check options below to import as polygons instead of curves.
import ellipse as polygon - create polygon from the control vertices of the ellipse
import line as polygon - create triangle with only 1 edge visible
import path as polygon - create polygon from the control vertices of the curve
import rectangle as polygon - create rectangle with sharp or angled corners based on the control points
close curve with a line - add a line from the end to the beginning of closed curves - option is only valid with non-polygon import
COB Export:
- only export selected curves - option: don't export a curve unless it is part of the selection. All curves in the scene will export when unchecked.
"...", Export COB - save in truespace modelside compatible format. Only curves will export.
Modelside SVG exporter plugin by "Fenerit" -
An updated version of this script can be found in the curves script collection. This version will also import cob files from modelside.
Files from Adobe Illustrator may have a "DTD" line that prevents the Microsoft XML parser/loader from working. To fix open the file in a text editor and remove the line:
DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
The plugin package v.1638404 or higher (March 23, 2014
plugin file date) can be used for simplified export of the cob file. It includes a proper file-save dialog.
- Does not support reflection type curves - type S or T
- Does not support polygon
- text is positioned but not scaled and font information is not read
- Use Object to Path to convert text to curves. If incompatible curve types are generated also use the Path Simplify
- Will not parse exponential style numbers
- Any warnings will show in the Output Console(Log) view
- Groups are not preserved when exporting to COB format
- Workspace preview of curves with sharp coners may have random spikes. This is only a preview glitch.
- Text height in trueSpace can be set to something like 5 times the size set in Inkscape.
Nov 21, 2015
- added support for polyline
November 18, 2015