right click the link above to download
To install copy the info_panel.py file to the python script master
plugin folder, something like:
Type in any field to set and keyframe the value,
simple equations also work
The R button is to reset the values
to (0,0,0) for position and rotation or (1,1,1) for
The K button is for setting
keyframes when autokey is disabled and the values are
changed outside of this panel. The normal
Lightwave shortcut(ret) is more convenient in this case.
Position, World Position and BB size have units of
Ac - "active" non-stop calculation of the bounding box
De - read deformed points for the bounding box, world space bounding box including the result of scale and rotation
Pivot Position and Rotation R to reset
to (0,0,0) S to set to the displayed value.
Note that this is not the same as Recording the Pivot.
Change all mesh instances when renaming
controls whether the selected object or all the common
mesh objects in the scene will be renamed.
When checked
it is the equivalent of using the file menu "Save
Current Object...".
Unchecked is the same as "Save
Object Copy..." followed by "Replace > With Object" when
the checkbox below is unchecked. Final step is to remove the check when it appears in the box below this.
if checked click NOW to finish renaming
requires user input to compete the renaming of a mesh
object. It is needed when "Change all mesh
instances when renaming" is not checked. When a
check appears here, click it to complete the rename.
This is the same as doing "Replace > With Object" using
the previous saved object.
you tube here
- The bounding box uses a brute force calculation by examining all the points of a mesh. These calculations can easily bog down a scene when the Ac(active) box is checked
- the renaming process for meshes is awkward because new lwo files have to be created.
- the deformed points option will disable bounding box input values since they affect scale and scale is already included in the deformed point positions
December 7, 2018
- version 1.91 - fixed field placement and made small buttons wider
- LW2018.5
September 14, 2015 ver 1.9:
- changed behavior of the bounding box active checkbox. when unchecked the bounding box is calculated and values saved the first time a mesh is selected
- added De(Deform) option to read deformed points to calculate the bounding box
Feb 18 2014 - script v1.8:
added pivot rotation and position controls
Dec 4 2013 - script v1.7:
- ok I think I got the last bug with this version
it creates only one instance and is tied to the
layout instead of the scene
bounding box active checkbox added - stops slowdowns
from larger meshes
Dec 3 2013:
script v1.6 fixed couple of bugs, updated required LW
version to 11.6
Nov 29 2013:
script v1.5 works with LW11.6 release, crashes in LW11.5.1
Sept 28 2013:
Lightwave 11.6 sept 25 pre-release does not crash when
using the mesh creation tools. Info Panel script v1.4
April 24 2013:
workaround for rename crash
April 20 2013:
added ability to rename mesh objects.
April 9 2013:
added bounding box size control