Lightwave collada does not export camera field of view(FOV) animation. This lscript transfers the animation to the position and rotation of a null so that whatever program reads the Lightwave collada file can reconstruct the camera animation.
Right-click the link above to download the script(save target as/save link as). Place the script in the lscripts folder, "...Program Files\NewTek\LightWave 3D 9\Plugins\lscripts\animate", for easy access.
X and Z position will contain the zoom values for x and y stored in the collada file x and z. Multiply by the composition height in After Effects to get the corresponding After Effects zoom value.
Image shows the camera zoom animation and the corresponding horizontal and vertical zoom animations created for After Effects.
Pitch and Bank will contain the x fov and y fov in degrees which translates to x and z rotations in the collada file.; The signs are set so that they are positive when imported to After Effects using the AECollada plugin.