More info here
Update to a LWO importer I found online. This version has been modified to enable the import of several lwo files at one time, option to combine UV maps into 1 uv map and an option to read pcx image references as if they were png image references. File dialog will filter by .lwo file extension and will connect the shader texture node if needed
Blender scripts for saving backup scenes, center the selection without framing it and building nurbs surfaces from bezier curves.
right click the links above to download
Blender script for writing MDD files compatible with Lightwave. The Lightwave mode checkbox exports the MDD with the proper orientation for use in Lightwave. Made for Blender v2.74
blender 2.8 version
Blender script for reading binary format trueSpace cob files. Script only reads polygon geometry. It does not work with ascii format files. Made for Blender v2.82
right click the link above to download
added uvmap node to textured materials
Dec 4, 2018 - blender 2.80 beta version
Blender script for writing binary format trueSpace cob files. Script only writes selected polygon geometry, bezier curves and nurbs surfaces with a specific bezier like format. Made for Blender v2.82
right click the link above to download
make selection then file save
This plugin for Carrara will export a vertex mesh in the ASE(Ascii Scene Exporter) format. It can be used to import static meshes to the Unreal and Doom3 game engines. The UDK imports FBX format static meshes from Carrara, so this plugin is not needed for importing static meshes from Carrara to the UDK. Click the link above to download.
Close Carrara and unzip the ASE.DAT, ASE.TXT and ASE.MCX files to the Extensions folder to install the plugin.
Select a simple, non hierarchical object, no groups allowed, and export it.; Don't use the save or save as menu options. Only export works. Texture information will only be read from the selected object. All geometry in the scene will be exported and objects with special names will import into unrealed as collision objects.
Collisions meshes are created by using special names on extra geometry in the scene.
For UT3 use the following prefixes to create collision objects
For UT2004 and eariler use the following prefixes on the mesh names
Unreal plugins for Carrara 4 and 5 can be found here.
An untested Carrara 8 plugin can be found at the bottom of this page.
This plugin for Carrara will export a skeletal mesh to the PSK format and animation in the PSA format used by the Unreal game engine. Click the link above to download.
Please read the notes below. This plugin was written with zero error checking . If you get an error exit out of Carrara.
Close Carrara and unzip the PSK.DAT, PSK.TXT and PSK.MCX files to the Extensions folder to install the plugin.
Select the root bone, the topmost bone of the hierarchy and choose Export in the file menu. Choose PSK as the file format and save it. A PSA(animation) file will also be written to the same folder and will be named "Carranim.psa"
UT3/UDK skeletons for Carrara 7 - includes skeletons for Male, Female, Krall and Corrupt characters and the first person skeleton. Also includes a skinned sample of the Male character(not perfect, just something I threw together for testing purposes). Do not scale the skeletons or any part of the skeletons.
FBX meshes - exported from 3dsmax, can be used to load the character meshes. Note that the Krall imports as a tiny character inside a giant gun. It's best to orient and resize the character mesh to the skeleton by using the vertex editor. It may or may not give trouble if done using the scene transform controls.
OBJ format meshes - includes all except the Corrupt character mesh.
UT2003 skeletons and UT2004 skeletons - in most cases the skeletons are the same with small differences here and there.
An untested Carrara 8 plugin can be found at the bottom of this page.
This plugin for Carrara will export a vertex mesh to the Unreal T3D format. It can be used to import brushes or an entire scene(of vertex meshes) to the Unreal game engine. A single object will export as a t3d brush. Nothing selected will result in a t3d map file. Click the link above to download.
Close Carrara and unzip the T3D.DAT, T3D.TXT and T3D.MCX files to the Extensions folder to install the plugin.
To write a brush file select the vertex object and then save it/export it as a T3D format file. To write a map file deselect all objects and save as a T3D format file. Single object, brush, export does not support hierarchical structures, so no grouping is allowed. Map export(nothing selected) does support grouped objects. All geometry is exported as CSG Add type brushes and static mesh references.
The object texture mappings are jumbled when imported into the Unreal editor. Use the texture mapping inside ued to fix it. Select the surface, right click and choose surface properties.
Objects that have an "SM_" prefix will act as place holders for static meshes. The name must be the full name used in the unreal editor. example: "SM_HU_Deco3.SM.Mesh.S_HU_Deco_SM_VentWheel01" will load into the editor as the "HU_Deco3.SM.Mesh.S_HU_Deco_SM_VentWheel01" static mesh included in the UDK.
If static meshes are used, they must be fully loaded before importing the t3d map to Unreal. Static meshes can be exported from UDK as obj format files. Be sure the mesh is at the origin before exporting for the best result.
The t3d map file generated by this plugin is compatible
with UT3 and UDK. It may or may not work with earlier
versions of Unreal. You can use a text editor to
remove the lines of the t3d map file to make it compatible:
"Begin Level NAME=PersistentLevel"
"End Level"
This may or may not work since I haven't tested with ealier
The plugin does not export lights or any kind of animation.
An untested Carrara 8 plugin can be found at the bottom of this page.
These Carrara 8 plugins are completely untested. They may work and they may not.
Source Code for Carrara7.