doom3 notes
home tools scripts/le notes

These notes are to be taken with a huge grain of salt.  It works but it may not be the proper way to do things.  There's a lot of conflicting information on doom3 modding when it comes to directory structure and forward vs backward slashes.

Initial Setup

Install to non-default directory with no spaces in the name and no capitalization.  use "c:\doom3" instead of "c:\Program Files\Doom 3"
DoomConfig.cfg, doomkey... etc are all added by the doom editor.
Assuming that mymod is the name of the custom folder
Create a directory in doom3 "c:\doom3\mymod".  Inside that create folders maps, models, textures and materials.  Create a text file named "description.txt" inside mymod with a single line of text which will be the title in the mod selection screen.  Right click the file and send to a zip archive.  Rename the archive from "" to "description.pk4"(the name and contents of the zip file don't matter, only the pk4 at the end is important).  Folder items will be given higher priority than the contents of  the pk4 file.
Copy the doom3 shortcut and rename it "doom3 editor".  Right click and change target to "C:\Doom3\Doom3.exe +set r_fullscreen 0 +editor +set fs_game mymod".  This sets the doom3 to run in a window instead of full screen, startup in the editor and set it to use the mymod folder.

Editor notes

Save map in "c:\doom3\mymod\maps\" and then prepare the map with bsp.  Push the play game button then  Ctrl-Alt-~(tilde) to invoke the console and type:
"map mymap"
to exit the game invoke the console and type "quit"
always use grid snapping, click outside a brush to scale it, inside to move it, esc to clear selection, select brush then click a texture to assign it, backspace to delete selected object
right mouse pan, mouse wheel zoom, ins/del zoom, ctrl ins/del zoom in Z(1D),right mouse walk(3D), ctrl right mouse up/down(3D), arrow keys,a/z pitch up/down(3D), end center camera pitch, middle mouse aim camera(2D), ctrl middle mouse move camera(2D), F7 F3 render mode
save map before bsp-bsp
Static Model Import

meshes must be triangulated, use square textures(?) and have a uv map
Save ASE/LWO files in c:\doom3\mymod\models\mymodels.  
Store the tga bitmap files in c:\doom3\mymod\textures.
Create a text file in "c:\doom3\mymod\materials\".  The name of the file doesn't matter.  Only the contents matter.
contents of the mtr file like so(note forward slashes):
    diffusemap textures/thenameofthebitmap_d.tga
"mymaterials/mysurface" is the name of the material not a file path.
"textures/thenameofthebitmap_d.tga" is the path and name of the texture bitmap file
The normal map and specular maps can be added here and the corresponding tga files stored in the textures folder.
For LWO files use "mymaterials\mysurface" as the surface name inside lightwave
theory: doom3 can take multiple diffuse maps they just have to be defined in the mtr file
Edit the ASE file with notepad and change the *BITMAP line to
*BITMAP "\\mymod\mymaterials\mysurface".
"\\mymod\mymaterials\mysurface" is a combination of the base path, "mymod" and material name, "mymaterials\mysurface".
"*BITMAP \\mymod\textures\thenameofthebitmap_d.tga" only allows diffuse texture and doesn;t require an mtr file be created.
New ase notes

for direct tga bitmap use forward slashes ? test and it works either way for bitmaps
bitmaps seem to almost glow where materials react to lighting
mtr file not needed if use just a tga bitmap but object wont repond to lighting

for all files use lower case
no spaces in the names of anything(files, materials etc)
